Pleasing Venus in Sagittarius involves allowing them lots of room in the relationship to grow. Their actions in love tend to promise deep commitment and sexual pleasure, even if they are not telling you this directly. Sagittarius The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Determine the positions of Venus and Mars by sign and learn the sexual secrets of your partner, and yourself! Be prepared for their displays: they will tell you about any advances madeon them. Flashiness is often appealing, although some will prefer a slightly more understated look. The Taurus lover soothes the jumpy nerves of the Virgo lover. They are easygoing in this manner because a partner can appeal to their sense of reason, and they always strive to be exceptionally fair and impartial. The Influence Of Venus In Love Relationships | Everyday Health And here, we'll find out what the Venus in Cancer man would be like. Still, you may find their conclusions about you seem skewed and mistrustful. Let them know just how much fun you have with them. Venus in Leo men and women have high expectations, but once you know that these expectations revolve only around how much attention you are giving them, youll see that they are really quite big-hearted about most everything else. They can be a little moody in love, and some go so far as giving silent treatments and engaging in pouting routines to get attention from their mate. Even if they are found in stable industries, they find the wilder parts of those industries. If two people who are like that come together, it may not be pleasant for them, but it could be absolutely wonderful for everyone else they know. Learn what Venus, the planet of luck, vision, expansion, and plenty, means in each sign of the zodiac. They are attracted to art that is traditional, homey, and romantic. Venus in Taurus people are very physical lovers, with a great appreciation for scents, sounds, feels, and pleasing form. Rendering services to others can fill a need, and can be an expression of love. Why is Venus in Leo Popular? Ultra sensitive or shy women are not usually the most attractive women to these men, as they tend to prefer strong and independent types. If Your Moon or Venus are in Taurus - You're attracted to an easy-going, earthy woman who is affectionate and likes to cuddle and kiss. Venus in Pisces is tender and affectionate, although hard to reach nevertheless, as there is a longing for something that is hard to define and hard to satisfy. Two Venusians (ruler of Taurus and Libra), with cosmically different orientations. They are also threatened by indifferent or impersonal behavior on your part. A love of the finer things evolves into shared interestsfrom shopping for unique treasures to partaking of vintage wines. They will spend the most on their family and close friends, as well as on building their homes. Im comfortable and comforting. Remember, though, that they are not trying to hurt you when they are pointing out the flaws in your thinking, plans, or even character. Im looking for a friend in a lover. Let them feel they own you, without taking it to extremes. Do your best to make them feel secure and cared for, and you will be rewarded with a patient, dependable, and loving mate. Those lines of work are therefore full of earth and water sign people of all genders. I care. . They are great listeners and they make it a habit to observe and learn all of your ins and outs. Virgo Venus in Pisces men and women want you to know that their love is unconditional. Have you ever wanted the sound of the ocean splashing in the background as you work at your desk, or cook dinner in the kitchen? Vekke Sind, What Does a Cancer Woman Like in a Man? They can be rather confusing and hard to pin down as they feel their way through their relationships. Certainly, they can come across as lacking in warmth and spontaneity. j kolade on Twitter: "RT @OneLuckyGirl_28: MARCH 2023 ASTROLOGY The Taurus lover wants to get down and dirty, and make sensual memories. See our Venus Signs Tables to look up the position of Venus by sign for a particular birthday. So with Venus here, the main draw is through the senseswhat appeals to the eyes, ears, touch, taste, and smell. Finding a soul mate, a person with whom to share all the moments of happiness, someone whom to support him in times of need, is his greatest . They pride themselves on their open minds, but you may notice they can be judgmental too. They have a polished manner in love, which sometimes makes them appear insincere or superficial. Moon is intimately connected with Venus, a feminine watery planet. A lover in the sign of the Twins (Gemini) finds pleasure in the running commentary, and quick witty back and forth wordplay. Too much attachment to the past can prevent Venus in Cancer people from enjoying the moment. Rather, Pisces sees all the colors of the rainbow. Who is a Venus in Gemini compatible with? They may, however, tangle over when to bend the rules if needed. Love for Venus in Taurus centers on the physical world and creature comforts they revel in sensual surroundings. Im self-taught and self-sufficient.. If youre willing to make only one adjustment in your ways, it should be to remind Leo how wonderful they are. The earth element of Taurus and Virgo, which is focused on physical security and practical matters, can be grounding for the emotional excesses of Venus in Cancer. A generosity of spirit, when cultivated, helps to overcome any barriers to love. Sweetness, and a simple voluptuousness in a woman is ideal. The Venus in Cancer man tends to show his love and affection right from the start, and he won't hesitate to reveal all his emotions if he thinks it's the right moment. Their emotion and intensity may seem overdone to those looking for a more lighthearted relationship. Some enjoy the thought that can go behind making purchases, weighing various options. Unlike Venus in Leo, they wont try to impress you with grand gifts or promises. Better half: someone who is content with their life 4. Venus in Cancer can find a common desire for emotional security with partners who have Venus in Cancer or in the other two water signs, Scorpio and Pisces. People with Venus in Cancer value emotional security and connection. Venus in Cancer Man - Luvze If the planet Venus was located in the sign of Cancer on the day of your birth, then who are you compatible with? Avoid pushing them in love give them plenty of time. Negative: Dominant and aggressive; 3. Interpretations are written by Annie Heese, unless otherwise noted. Receive a 5-minutes Astrology reading free! Who is Venus in Sagittarius compatible with? The theory of Yin and Yang, as described by the Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation, works well for understanding the difference between the fire and air signs and the earth and water signs. Dating a Venus in Cancer woman requires taking the focus off the circumstances and putting it into the date. They allow you freedom to be yourself, and are rarely clinging or controlling. They like to choose their terms when involved in a relationship, and this can be challenging for a partner, as their terms can be changeable! For this reason, few Venus in Leo folk would last long in a relationship that is mostly sexual. If each can respect the rhythm of the other in love, it's a mix of vigor and sensuality for long unforgettable nights. Id love it if you could try them out and let me know your experience. They can be good with their money, spending lavishly only on objects of beauty, long-lasting objects, and food. They are often looking for long-term commitment that includes giving and receiving emotional nurturing. To check Venus sign compatibility between yourself and a partner, use the synastry tool below. The Taurus (Venus) lover brings in the practical angle and a sense of whether it's reality-based. They want very much to forgive, allow, and give unselfishly. Venus in Libra men and women have idealized images of their relationships, even to the point where the relationship becomes bigger than life, taking on a life of its own. Love for Venus in Cancer is best when it is committed and rather predictable. Innocent charm. Venus in Sagittarius people are not always especially attached to personal possessions. Their lovers may complain that Venus in Capricorns are a little too practical and deliberate. They are turned on by energy and activity. Want to meet eligible single man who share your zest for life? They need space and will happily return the favor, giving you lots of room to breathe and to be yourself. Of the Venus in Cancer men who do feel comfortable enough to show their emotional side, some use this power for bad ends, like emotional manipulation. It is hard for Venus in Leo people to separate love and sex, and even their most erotic fantasies are infused with love and affection. The Venus in Cancer Man: Get to Know Him Better - Venus in Taurus Woman: Traits, Compatibility & More Because this is not always possible they are only human after all! On the flip side, they may last longer in a love-only relationship in the absence of satisfying sex, but they are unlikely to feel very satisfied. There's an edge here, that tips toward passion, or toward a love-hate patternor bothA deal breaker for Venus-Leo is not feeling respected. They are threatened by bad manners and direct or abrasive expression of feelings. These intriguing partners will reward you with a love that is accepting and comes as close to unconditional as humans can get. Let them decide where to go on a date, and let them pay too. Venus in Aries people dont necessarily take control but they do instinctively take the lead in matters of the heart. Its a thing that they agree on. They are not usually especially generous people and are typically quite practical and patient when it comes to saving and spending money. "Venus in Taurus is the perfect time to channel your luxurious inner love goddess and indulge in some pleasure-centered self-care," says Nina Kahn, astrologer and author of "Astrology For Life." "This transit can majorly up the sensuality factor when it comes to love and romance, so tune into what delights your body, and take things nice and . If they dont know how to channel all that energy in a healthy way, however, they can become emotionally manipulative and terrorize the people around them with their mood swings. But remember they do this because they fear they might hurt you, and they cant bear to cause you any heartache. They can become quietly resentful if they feel they are being taken advantage of and they make it easy for more aggressive types to bully them around. This is when they use their extraordinary nursing abilities on themselves, instead of youand you simply dont want that! In love, their tastes change often, and it can be hard to know what to expect from one day to the next (or, sometimes, from one hour to the next!). Remember, theyre just showing off to you, and its likely harmless. Instead, their appeal lies in their dedication, their willingness to work on the relationship, and to make the relationship work in real terms. Who Is Venus in Taurus Compatible With? - Vekke Sind She need not be robust or aggressive. He doesn't want a partner . Pleasing Venus in Aries involves fueling their need for action. Its true that they resist change in their relationships, but even when they seem stuck in a groove, you can always reassure yourself by remembering that they are constant partners. With their romantic view of the world, they can be unreasonably attracted to states of suffering and martyrdom, so they easily get into the role of saving someone, or being saved. If youve hurt them, theyll have a hard time forgetting. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? However, while it may hold true with Venus to some extent today, we prefer not to attach gender bias to Venus and Mars. They tend to seek balance in their personal environment, and can be quite picky or choosy when it comes to aestheticsbalanced, harmonious, classical art is preferred. Venus in Taurus people are attracted to products of high quality and durability. Venus in Scorpio men and women give you their complete attention. Venus in Taurus With Venus in Cancer Venus in Cancer creates a match that is happy at home, with cozy comforts and languid intimacy. The Venus in Cancer woman may lean more toward traditional gender roles than some women. Try to understand them, although thats never an easy task considering the fact that they dont always know themselves. When they feel the need for more experience, join them! Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. Turn-offs include a relationship that is considered stuffy or too mature, vagueness, and beating around the bush. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. As noted previously, Venus can be no more than two signs apart from the Sun. 943 45 95 94; 619 32 00 99; . Others image of their relationship matters to them. The placement of Venus in your astrological chart speaks to what you value in life. He is especially attracted to women who ooze sensuality, who are perhaps a little dark and mysterious, and who have a magnetic and powerful aura. They are not afraid of emotional confrontations (even if they have a Gemini Sun and appear flighty in other areas of life). Similarly, the fire or air sign worker in the healthcare industry might gravitate toward experimental therapies. They are really not difficult to please after you have taken care of these basic needs. They want to impress you with the things they do. In order for a relationship to remain fresh and new for them, they require plenty of stimulation. Ill make you happy in bed.. I love the sound of rain playing in the background, or the sound of the ocean waves crashing on the sand. When in Cancer, Venus becomes more emotional and sentimental. For example, a man with Venus in Aries and Moon in Taurus might be attracted to forthright, independent women in general, but as far as selecting a woman for a long-term partnership goes, he might choose a more demure woman with steady affections and a softer, more traditionally feminine personality and/or appearance. Scorpio Similarly, women are thought to more easily relate to and own Venus qualities. They are rather discriminating in taste when it comes to entertainment, art, furnishings, music, and clothing. Intermediate and advanced students of Astrology might enjoy our article, SoulMate Astrology. Im looking for commitment. Venus in Leo makes for a very passionate, fiery personality. They are sociable, communicative, and interested. They try to win you over by expressing how enterprising and independent they are. Heartbreaks can be completely devastating. They love to share everything with you, so let them. Try not to get overly miffed by Venus in Geminis changeable, fickle ways. A mans Moon sign certainly factors into the equation. Older astrology texts often refer to fire and air signs as masculine and water and earth signs as feminine. Borders and boundaries blur under Venus in Pisces. They are tender, romantic, and attached. They prefer things be done the right way, and are turned off by aggressive or uncouth behavior. As much as they may want to, they find it hard to commit. They can be animated and fun but may also keep their distance on an emotional level. Where is Venus placed by zodiacal sign in your chart? With a creative outlet, however, Venus in Cancer can add a layer of sensitivity and intuition to Leos artistic flair. Truth and higher meaning are things that take priority with Sagittarius. My Personal Ad Bio: I am fun and funny. You may even say their egos are a little underdeveloped when it comes to love, but they have a lot to give in return: namely, security, comfort, and care. They may be reacting to a condition or situation of the moment, for example. Hold on there, says this stability-seeking Venusyou're taking liberties! Or will the Gemini lover find it hard to settle down, and be still? They take expressing their feelings seriously, and they definitely take their time to warm up to others. This desire for emotional security is so strong that it can keep together an otherwise bad relationship. A Venus in Cancer man is a master at winning the heart of hopeless romantics. There are also many people with Venus in Gemini or Leo who have the Sun in Cancer. Strange Facts on Aries Woman and Cancer Man - Law of Attraction Blog