Back in Mystic Falls Stefan has taken Bonnie to her house and when she wakes up he realizes that she doesn't remember anything that happened after her and Jeremy were trying to get the cure from Silas back on the island from the island including Jeremy's death so the younger Salvatore starts explaining her everything. Trapped inside the room Stefan realizes something. Then Caroline asks where is Elena and Stefan points out to her only to see her dancing with the others. Damon leaves and Stefan sees Caroline on the street outside. Stefan arrived at the Lockwood Estate in time to stop Katherine from attacking Bonnie. She tells him of her pregnancy and how Julian almost beat her to death but beat her enough to stop the other heartbeat inside her. Both of them hug tightly while crying with joy. Stefan responds that he knows that but he doesn't want to be the one to break it to her, at least not until Bonnie is safe and Damon comes back to use the sire bond and convince her that everything is going to be okay. When Elena asks to go rescue Damon, Stefan refuses and insists that they carry out the plan. The Salvatore brothers find Lily about to stab herself. Emily Bennett then approached Stefan and told him that Katherine had her make that ring for him (and Damon) weeks before. Elena comes and asks him if killing Silas worked and if he is now ok. Stefan doesn't respond but rather asks her why is this all so important to her. He spins Damon's coffin around just in time as arrows hit the lid. He tells Stefan that vampires have to leave Mystic Falls: all of them. When he awakens his emotions immediately turn back on and he feels the full weight of everything he did while his emotions were off, filling him with immense guilt. The Original sister doesn't want to tell them where Elena is so they turn to Katherine. However, in the novels, Stefan is of full Italian descent. He however sees that there's also something else-Elena has turned off her humanity and he asks why. In Brave New World, at a carnival, Damon challenged Stefan to hand-wrestle Mason Lockwood but Stefan lost. Elena is grateful to Stefan for having protected her, as he always does and then says goodbye to him. But Katherine tells him that he needs to feel, because she needs him to get angry. Stefan does so, and Klaus is pleased. Damon says that he hasn't found her yet but he can't just show up without Bonnie. Stefan is aloof and jokes about it, asking which guy it was because he was drunk that night. They are both laughing when suddenly Julian is there, looking at Valerie and saying "Aren't we ladylike?" She tries another tactic, compelling him to have a heart attack. Elena says he had her but he says, "I lost you the minute I left town". Stefan agrees to move out all of the residents of Mystic Falls in exchange for the Heretics to live in his home. When Katherine is absent for a while he meets Caroline and tells her about his concerns about Damon and reveals that he doesn't want Elena to give up on Damon, because he is afraid that they might loose him without her help. They both fight because of Jeremy's death and later Katherine gets the real cure and brings it to Elijah in order to show him that she can be trusted. Damon delivers towels to their room, shooting them both with vervain darts. They're completely out of the loop that their friends flipped the vamp switch. Elena and Stefan catch up with each other in the classroom. As they are checking each coffin, Valerie informs them that the phoenix stone is full of lost vampire souls, which means that they didn't really bring back Oscar. [7] Stefan still carried his caring and kind interior as well, though on the outside he was somewhat more rude and less polite than before. Stefan is an introvert. Later, Caroline is with Stefan waiting for him to wake up, when he wake up Stefan teases her calling her "Rebekah" and she cares for him, then he call her "Lexi" and she realizes it's a joke, Stefan asks her if the spell worked and then arrives Enzo, he thanks her for her call and says it's time to go, Stefan ask her what is happening and Caroline says as Sloan was going to fry his brain to kill his doppelgnger and that she wasn't about to let that happen, so she have volunteered to help Enzo deal with it, that mean kill him. She tells him he will be alright and tells him to hold on to the fact that she loves him. Stefan wakes up next to Caroline. He has saved her several times and cares about her. Stefan often emphasizes the importance of free will, freedom, liberty, choice and respecting one's decisions. Stefan helps Katherine to discover what is happening to Matt and what are the intentions of Gregor, Nadia's boyfriend . Damon, of course, claims that he doesn't care about Klaus, but Stefan tells him again to let him go. Stefan says that Elijah can tell him where they are and they can all talk it through. Stefan tries to back out of it, but Bonnie insists that he tell her what's wrong. While in Limbo he talks to Elena and informs her of his death and sacrifice before giving her a message to Caroline who he had just married on the day of his death. Stefan keeps quiet. In reference to Alaric, Elena tells Stefan that she wasn't planning on giving up on either of them. Stefan says, "Some girl I use to date," as tears form in his eyes. He realizes that Sarah or the pretend Sarah is fake because he has been keeping tabs on her since the day she left. They start to talk about Damon being a hero and about Elena relationship with him, she says that their relationship is toxic but Stefan is disagrees, he interrupts her train of thought, trying to reassure her. Stefan Salvatore - 1000+ Times He's one of the most selfless characters in the entire show, and yet Stefan still dies the most in The Vampire Diaries. He was clearly frightened of her, saying that her face resembled that of a demon and also told her to get away from him. I don't wanna drag her down with me. Hair color Damon then tells him that Lily plans to have them fractured and they make a plan about having a fake fight, while Stefan distracts her and Damon can look for the last member of the Heretics. Elena says she said something she didn't mean and Stefan admits that he did too. Waiting for me, challenging me to fight back to stop him. Stefan responds that he was a psychotic killer with no emotions back then and Rebekah disagrees by saying that he might have been a killer, but he wasn't emotionless, to which Stefan admits that he really did have fun. He gets her home and as they park the car in front of Elena's home Damon let's the girl go inside and asks Caroline to bring Stefan out as he has to talk to his brother. Later, Stefan visits Caroline and she demands to know where he was. Stefan however, doesn't respond in any way and Elena hangs up the phone, trying to make Damon resist the compulsion but he's unable to do so and demands Jeremy shoot him in the heart. Damon insists that losing control and killing people is inevitable for a vampire, and the sooner Elena accepts that, the better. Species At the end of the episode, Katherine decides to commit suicide to end her misery by jumping off the bell tower. Damon & Stefan use Aaron as a leverage to save Elena from Wes. Hence why his father wanted him to get married to Rosalyn. Unfortunately, Klaus then used compulsion one last time and ordered Stefan to turn his emotions off. Back at the Salvatore mansion, Stefan and Elena are in the living room. Damon mocks him with Ms. Cuddles and, annoyed, Stefan grabs and kicks Bonnie's teddy bear across the field uncovering a cloaking spell which was hiding a house. Then they are back at the Salvatore boarding house and Elena wakes up. Qetsiyah reveals that he will wake up in time and then mentions to Damon how his relationship with Elena is doomed. The two discussed their options, and both brothers seemingly agreed to die without transitioning, as neither one wanted to be a vampire without Katherine. Before season one, the brothers had not seen each other since the early 1990s; their relationship having taken a steep turn for the worse- their relationship was described as "violent and bitter". After a moment with Caroline, Forbes sends her to get coffee and asks Stefan to look after Caroline when she's gone. The elder Salvatore says that she's really not that deep and they know everything is an act. He also appears to be writing in his diary for the first time in a while. Klaus, however, keeps to respond ironically. Word Count: 610. Stefan tells him that it's not a good time. Caroline has always supported his relationship with Elena and she was the person who revealed to Stefan that Elena was sired to Damon. Stefan was able to sense Elena's mind long before he met her in person and he sensed her presence immediately after arriving in Fells Church. Elena catches them and seems very upset. It was assumed that Stefan's sense of fashion changed with the times. She adds that Stefan is at a kegger full of hot girls, and he's single and he should have some fun. Klaus threatens to kill everyone Stefan has ever met, and Stefan says that if he does that, he will never see his family again. Later, back at the boarding house, Stefan thanks Damon for not telling Elena about the cure, and that by killing Connor she may have lost her only chance to be human again. However, Valerie realizes that she will never be first to him and she breaks up with Stefan because he cannot get over his love for Caroline. Suddenly, something barrels against the wall, shattering a window in the house Stefan is leaning on while making his phone call, Stefan tells to Damon that the Travelers drained their blood, so they are having to do a little hunting. Unable to move he has to lie on the ground together with a tied up Elena. Stefan responds by saying he's being himself, but she doesn't know what he looks like when he's not in love with her. A miss comes out of the sprinkling system as a woman with scabs and sores all over her face says "night, night" to them. Elena then invited Stefan into the house. After heart-to-heart chat, Stefan sees the bear's ear. At first he's confused to why is she there and she says that she missed him. Stefan tells Damon and everyone else that they have lost so much, and suffered so long, without allowing themselves to grieve and heal. Stefan says that the same goes for Katherine because Rebekah is with his brother. Stefan goes up against Beau and nearly gets staked but is saved as Lily arrives and commands them to stop. When Stefan sees her like this he asks Damon to help her. They start dancing and Elena goes to them, showing to be a bit jealous although she denies it. Stefan is very quick, intelligent and has an excellent memory. And Jo broke just about everything in the living room. Stefan then looks down to realize his hand shaking. She didn't even open it, she just said yes. She's so upset she suggests he just leave, and he does. A mysterious man walks around the corner, announcing that he is Kai's father. He's trying to explain that Bonnie is trying to complete the expression triangle and when he does Aja brings out a knife and says that Bonnie has to die and she can't be saved. They kiss and Stefan hints that he is a virgin as they undress. In the episode 1912, it was revealed that this was the year that Stefan went into "ripper" mode again. Stefan states he should kill him and Klaus asks where the Ripper has been. He . Jo begins her vows, but she's cut short when she's stabbed repeatedly in the abdomen. The two seem to have an instant connection as she's able to make him laugh and pull him from his dark mood. Elena was screaming through the phone telling Stefan not to do it, however, Stefan responded with "bring me back" and closed his eyes, turning off his humanity. But how do I stop the monster without becoming one myself?" - Stefan Salvatore "I want to kill you. She sits on the bed and holds his hand saying that she'll stay with him until he wakes up. Stefan and Rebekah arrive at Klaus' mansion and she sees Connor chained up. After some conferring, they expect the Travelers will be coming for Stefan and Elena today to break the witches' curse so they can settle in Mystic Falls. Stefan suggests that the situation has changed now that Elena is a vampire. He hangs up the phone and in that moment Elena comes and finds him. Stefan just gets up and walks away. "why don't you get the hell out of my house. The hunter shoots Tyler, and Stefan, Carol, Caroline and Elena go to check on him while the rest of the church becomes chaotic. While Stefan is headed to one of the possible spots for the massacre he speaks with his brother on the phone and explains him what's going on. After being released, Stefan finds Klaus at the Winter Wonderland event, when Klaus threatens to compel the truth about why he has been 'dodgy' as a distraction tool, Stefan admits that he broke into Klaus' house for the sword and that he doesn't trust him. This seems to effect Stefan. After Katherine's "fake death", the heartbreak he endured after thinking he lost her and the continuous tumultuous relationship in which he had shared with his elder brother, Damon, Stefan makes an attempt to run far away and start a new life somewhere else, away from his dark and haunting past. He is the younger brother of Damon Salvatore and the main love interest of Elena Gilbert. He than realizes that Elena has invited them to a party in their house and that is why she was texting so much. Stefan lets the water run in the sink so that he could prevent Elena from hearing their conversation. In Ordinary People, Damon frees Stefan, seeing Lexi's approach as useless. Stefan suggests that he goes back to the island and Damon comes back so that he could use the sire bond and help Elena. Later, Stefan, Elena and Matt are preparing all to leaves Mystic Falls, Stefan says that they've just got to outrun the spell, regroup in about a thousand miles and figure out a game-plan. Stefan keeps an eye on Sheriff Forbes and he is approached by Elena. This was what had caused most the self-loathing and brooding which had become deeply associated with Stefan's personality. Then he tells that back in the seventies after he slept with Lexi he locked her on the roof so when the sun went up she couldn't escape from it. She suggests it must be April Young, who was missing, and that they have to help her. He is intensely, immediately and indescribably drawn to her. It is assumed that the Travelers have found him. She begs him to stay, but he walks away. When Qetsiyah is distracted, Stefan stabs her and he escapes with Elena after Silas' spell is over. Later, Stefan and Lily make a truce to make sure that there won't be any more innocent bloodshed. In Because, Stefan and Caroline check into a bed and breakfast for a little R&R. He's mad at his brother for not preventing the original sister from taking the cure. She also tells Stefan she kissed Liam, which he advises her not to tell Stefan as he would be heartbroken. As Tyler arrives, Rebekah provokes him into transforming, compelling Elena, Stefan and Caroline not to 'vamp run' in the hallways. When Damon turned Vicki Donovan into a vampire, Stefan tried to teach her the ability of self control but she couldn't handle it. Then he says that deep down she probably knows that but hey are talking about Elena here-she's feeling grief more than anyone else and her denial right now is the only think keeping her from letting it all in. He says to her that their blood don't hog the blame, they are vampires so they are toxic species that it's just who they are. However, Alaric turns human as Jo saves him after his vampirism is stripped off. Valerie siphons it and they open it, revealing Julian's corpse. To keep both him and Damon out of Hell, he flipped his humanity switch off. Later, Stefan sits with Elena on the rooftop of the Salvatore mansion. However he says that he's sure that this filing system goes by birth date and he can't remember when was Katherine's birthday. He was also seen as athletic, dutiful, respectful, intelligent, scholarly, noble, chivalrous and even-tempered. Elena says that he got his memories back and he knows her better than anything and she's not going to give up on her plan. Stefan and Valerie meet at a fair and immediately take a liking to each other. They both question the man but are unable to figure out who he is and what he's doing there as he's compelled to kill himself, which he does by grabbing Rebekah's knife and stabbing himself. Klaus then apologizes to Rebekah, though somewhat backhandedly, and Rebekah replies that she is willing to take his apology under consideration. She tricked Stefan into believing that the house was left to John Gilbert after her parents died, but she revealed the truth shortly after. Lexi told Stefan that he was a Ripper, and that there are good parts of being a vampire and there are bad parts, and that he was the bad parts. Stefan then lights a Japanese floating lantern in memory of his Uncle Zach, his best friend Lexi and for Alaric. After reaching Savannah, Stefan explains to Elena that he tries to live as human a life as possible and tells her the next step to starting over is deciding who you want to be for the next 30 years. In Pilot, Stefan and Damon engaged in a spar upon Damon's return to Mystic Falls. After talking, Enzo takes the decision of not setting Stefan on fire, he tells him that his best revenge will be when Stefan have to tell Damon that he was the one who killed Enzo, Stefan is confused and then Enzo decides push himself backwards, making Stefan take his heart unintentionally. Damon tries to tell Stefan to control his blood lust and to accept the fact that he is a vampire. Because of this, Stefan had always been popular, admired and loved by the opposite sex or women since his human life. After being picked up by the Traveler that freed them, the trio head back to Mystic Falls in her car, Maria tells them that It was too risky to haul them out of there for herself, so she had to circle back. how old was johnny carson when he retired,