3) Captain Riiken This is the captain that is guarding the tower where Dhagon Ghent is being held. I would suggest going back to a save before you travelled to the Jedi Enclave though. Onderon is on the verge of civil war with followers of Queen Talia wanting to stay with the republic and the followers of General Vaklu wanting to overthrow the queen and break with the republic. OK, sorry about resurrecting a thread that seems to be long dead, but I have a similar problem. Korriban/M4-78 were my last planet. I killed every Youll be faced with more of Vaklus soldiers and various Bounty Hunters along the way. She is no Jedi - She One last example is the battle with Darth Bandon. Valve Corporation. Before you go inside the Hidden Bek Base to get the Sith Papers from Gadon Thek, put the Sith Armor on Carth. During the fight with Davik and Calo Nord, if you just wale completely on Calo Nord, you will eventually kill him and get no experience and no remains. 1) Exit to Mandalorian ruins You wont be able to leave Onderon until you have completed your main quests and met with Kavar. Please if anyone has some insight into this gamestopping glitch help me! Submitted by Ryan (Again): I hve also found another XP glitch involving (SPOILER ALERT) The fight with Saul Karath aboard the Leviathan. Then go to the map, and get rid of Carth from your party. The only active quest I still have, other than the old unfinishable ones like Redemption and vogga's horde (can't dance for him again), is Lost Jedi, which says "you found the body of such and such a jedi master in the sith academy". I then went through it and then the tomb of naga shadow by myself and when I got back to the ebon hawk they stopped talking to me at all. After this room is cleared, you open the door and Carth Onasi will be there encouraging you to get to the last escape pod. content from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II hi, this makes sense. When I got to the temple entrance chanting cutscene on the unknown planet, only Juhani showed up, and the cutscene ended with her still standing there. Use this evidence to wring some hush money out of Akkere to earn dark side points. However, Kreia cannot/will not talk to me about going to Dantooine. Show your Starport Visa to the guards and take the Shuttle back to Dxun. Might also work for dark or neutral, not sure. I deleted like 6 item weapon and armour workshop mods and everything started to work again. Before entering the Enclave sublevel you will run into a salvager's camp. The entire Sith academy has started over. They come from outside the city and have learnt to tame the animals. Wander around and talk to people, do stuff and generally be an interfering, nosy pain in the butt jedi. In the next room you will fiind Kiph, kill him for his acts against you. Finished all 4 planets, now stuck. Help First, though, have you talked By Andrea and 1 collaborators. At the end of the hall enter this code into the terminal to access more of the palace's riches: 66, 45, 39. Sakerie is prepared to pay the most for a Starport Visa and will give you either 5,000 credits or the Qixoni Crystal which can only be used by Dark Side characters. I have found that if you use Master Speed and kill him before ANY OTHER ENEMY! If you are following the Dark Side and have the quest from Anda this is where youll find Captain Gelesi. Moustache- Do you have Mira/Hanharr and Go-to in your party? I'm not sure how to proceed. The general offers his thanks and you return to Dxun. As I understand it a scene or something should start, and I have tried running EVERYWHERE around the masters, and I can't talk to them because they just pivot on the spot to face me and mock me with this annoying gamestopping glitch! Judging from this, Onderon was the last planet you needed to complete the lost Jedi quest which means you've been to Dantooine, Nar Shaddaa, and Korriban, and have made contact with all the Masters incl seeing Vash. Speak to a man named Nallek here and he will seek a confrontation. Submitted by Guest: A simple infinite experience glitch exists at the beginning of the game. From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, https://strategywiki.org/w/index.php?title=Star_Wars_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic_II:_The_Sith_Lords/Lost_Jedi&oldid=823991. Made by Revan's twin: After learning some facts on the Levathian that I do not wish to discuss here, I landed on Korriban. My quest is called "Lost Jedi" says "i spoke to master kavar on onderon and he agreed to meet me at the enclaves once i united all the jedi masters" I'm completely stuck and I have a feeling it's because I have "Galactic History: Bonus Mission" in my quest log, which I cant complete now, which means I'm screwed. I'm stuck wandering around talking to random people on nar shadarr and such, I just can't seem to move on. This is on the Amazon Underground download for Kindle Fire. This starts in mined tunnels just outside of the camp. 2) Captain Gelesi and Other Citizens When you enter this area your Starport Visa will once again be checked. There are a lot of them, but they fall quickly. Infinite Enemy Spawning (XP farming): On Taris in the Undercity sewers there is a pack of rakghouls that will respawn everytime you save/reload, transit to apartment and back, as well as when you take the nearby ladder up and back down. I know for a fact I finished everything on korriban, but I just got the last star map and then went back to get some goods. Submitted by Bo: On Taris Upper city you're supposed to go to the cantina and talk to a Sith officer who will invite you to a party. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. that felt like something Bioware/Obsidian would have came up with if this game had been made in 2005/2006 before The Old Republic came out. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Quest Bug: The End-Game with Jedi Masters wont start on Dantoine - They just stare blankly at me, Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach. I also had two stacks of a Item with no use or name in my inventory. Submitted by Neville: Subsequent to Xor confronting Juhani, a special store on Korriban with advanced items will disappear. Midway through the battle Kreia will inform you that it is better to go on the defensive and outlast Vrook. Use the persuade command to increase your reward for the battle. I'm putting it in this section because while technically, you can proceed; it was a game-breaker for me. Made by "me": I cant leave Korriban. I will be disappointed when the story ends, and from what I've read, it's not a very fulfilling conclusion. At the Sith camp to the right of the space craft, use the console to run a program that turns the droids and turrets against the Sith. On Dantooine: This is a game breaking glitch. , As you return to the central room, Sith troopers and bomas will charge towards you. Reload your save, walk BACK through the hall, the second Carth cutscene will glitch and transport you PAST the bridge. In the south eastern wing of the building across from the militia headquarters there is a control panel that can now be accessed. i thought talking with Kreia solves the "Galactic History: Bonus Mission" which should still be an option to do since you haven't used that dialogue option yet, unless it goes away with time or it got messed-up and didn't register as finished, but in my experience, it wouldn't have an effect on game progression. Use the security skill to compromise this entrance and loot the room inside. The last room is the room with several enemies that you can either fight, kill with an explosion, or program a driod to fight for you. Concerning the masters: I found the one in Onderon, Dantooine, Nar Shaddaa, Telos, and I found the one in Korriban (no actual corpse, but I ended up fighting the Sith master there, is that normal?) Submitted by UnfortunatelyHuman: I was on Manaan when I discovered that Jolee had the "I am broken; so very very broken glitch. Howdy I'm playing the triple emulated Kotor on xbone Kotor digital. She describes a Holocron that told her that the Jedi are all dead. If you talk to her, does she give the normal talk? At the western door you will run into a group of mercenaries that seek to collect the bounty on your head. Anyone know of a workaround? You will face two waves of three Sith troopers before you reach the Sith master. This will earn you some dark side points. That's one of the things KOTOR 2 is known best for, really. When you enter the thrown room, if you have the battle meditation force power you can use it to rally the troops against the royal guards. This Side Quest begins by speaking with Elise who is found outside the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. Overload the terminal and Captain Bustuco will be killed. except there also was a lot more to it. She will ask you to investigate the Jedi Enclave on the planet and you are allowed to keep any of the relics found on the site. By Matthew Rorie Design by James Cheung. Barely a year after the original Knights of the Old Republic came out for the Xbox, we have its sequel, Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords. I was surprised to see that and decided to go to korrabian to see if Bodan was there at the entrance to the valley of the sith and he was! Lob some detonators their way and tear into the group with some force powers. There is a workbench here as well as some loot. The remaining 20 are a work in progress. May 26, 2006 in Star Wars: General Discussion. Star Wars KOTOR: The Hi, Im having a game stopping bug with the steam version of KotOR II and TSLRCM installed, after finding all the Jedi masters i never get the chan . I absolutely love the game, but I refuse to play it without the majority of my playable characters; I mean, after all, who wants to progress with most of their top characters replaced? At the top of the second ramp is the entrance to the palace. If you are a female character, he will join your party. Yep, she gives me the normal talk with no added options. As Force Fashion has. I've been playing it almost every day since. KOTOR II Sign up for a new account in our community. We found not 1 but 2 diferent swoop speeders in the garage of the ship and also this strange droid in the cockpit. I was completely stumped, so after some research, I downloaded KSE to check my save game details.