The lower molecular weight of FITC-dextran permeated more on both human and pig skin. Rheology of dextran solutions. Each microporated sample was incubated in the skin culture medium. European Polymer Journal, 43, 1744-1753. WebThe Stokes radius or StokesEinstein radius of a solute is the radius of a hard sphere that diffuses at the same rate as that solute. Before Synthesis and characterization of blue dextrans. On the molecular weight distribution of dextran T-500. Kumar SV, Tarun P, Kumar TA. The molecular weight of dextran samples can be obtained by a variety of methods including light scattering, HPLC/SEC, sedimentation, osmometry and end-group analysis. (1991). Carbohydrate Polymers 99, 199-207. Actually, everything depends on solvent you want to use and temperature. If you want to know gyration (Rg)or hydrodynamic (Rh) radius, you should 2012 Sep 1;90(1):441-6. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2012.05.063. Keywords: FITC dextran; intestinal permeability; transit time. Studies carried out at different ionic strength you can see them in the references [64, 65] and works with different solvents in the references [66, 67]. Colloid Polym. and transmitted securely. Learn More. Carbohydrate Polymers 95 360-365. Webdextran hydrodynamic radius. TEWL measurements were performed before and 30min after microporation. a-d Haematoxylin/eosin-stained histological sections of human cadaver skin sample and e quantified data using ImageJ for different time periods after microporation. Chen Rong Huei; Min Lang Tsai (1998). Transdermal drug delivery system for non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs: a review. J. Braz. 2022 Feb 22;16(2):1999-2012. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.1c07010. However, in vitro investigations are very few. Gel permeation chromatography of dextrans in parenteral solutions: Calibration procedure development and method validation. Covis, Rudy; Ladaviere, Catherine; Desbrieres, Jacques; Marie, Emmanuelle; Durand, Alain. The skin was treated with the RF-based microporation device, inducing micropore ablation through alternating electrical current. Walkenhorst, S.; Olivier, R. (2002). Static and Dynamic Light-Scattering Solution Behavior of Pullulan and Dextran in Comparison. The same way, many of these authors emphasize the non-linear or hyperbranched of dextran molecular weight range from 9 to 2000kDa [3,5,8,16, 37,38]. The mostly used commercial product/ polysaccharide is dextran, and it is produced from bacterium Leuconostoc mesenteroides, with an overall degree of branching of about 5% [1-3][1]. Polymolecularity and polydispersity in Molecular weight determinations. Fluorescent dextran Takara, Andres; Acosta, Adolfo; Masuelli, Martin A. WebDextran 40 Pharmaceutical Quality. Results and Discussion The microscopic dynamics of proteins are probed in a light scattering experiment. Carbohydrate Polymers, 74, 372-378. The human skins were from the back or thigh of a 24-year-old woman. Format), Citation-(EndNote European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 68, 319-329. Comparison of single-point and dilution procedures. 4h after microporation, the sizes of the micropore decreased slightly. Int J Pharm Investig. HSE and DK helped to porate the skin and to measure TEWL. Progress in Biophysical Molecules Biological, 68, 207-262. Intrinsic viscosity determination offers a simple and useful method that requires low cost equipment and yields useful information on soluble macromolecules. Gums and stabilisers for the Food Industry, 5, 447-450. Structure Properties of Dextran. WebFluorescent and biotinylated dextrans are routinely employed to trace neuronal projections. Determination of intrinsic viscosities of macromolecules and nanoparticles. WebHydrodyamic Radius, R H: In addition to the analytic size of a linear (C=1) chain, the end to end distance, R eted or R 0, and the structural size, the radius or gyration, R g, dynamic measurements yield a size called the hydrodynamic radius, R H. Consider a rod particle of length L=10R where R is the radius. The values of Mark-Houwink parameters could be universalized with certain precautions, being an indication for the calculation of molecular weight in the temperature range of 20-40C. DOI: 10.12691/jpbpc-1-1-3, Received September 18, 2013; Revised October 23, 2013; Accepted November 22, 2013. The importance of this type of study lies in the analysis of the polysaccharide behavior at industrial processes, the requirements to reduce energy, avoid flow problems and product quality control. In our present study, microporated skin permeated insufficient amount of 20K FITC-dextran, suggesting that enhancement of permeability was unsuccessful with macromolecules of more than 20KM.W.. The value of P increases from 1.0272 to 1.2694 (spherical shape with tendency to spheroid for high Mw). 8580 Macromolecules 34, Notes - NIST ; Tsuchiya, H.M.; Rist, C.E. It is well tolerated on parenteral infusion by most people but a very low incidence Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins. Treatment of acne scars by fractional bipolar radiofrequency energy. of different origins. ; Talsma, H.; Hennink, W.E. Using the polymer standards, a plot of the ln [] vs ln Mw usually gives a straight line. Hydrodynamic cavitation (HC), a common phenomenon that can produce local excessive temperature, high pressure and large amount of energy. Barshtein, G.; Tamir, I.; Yedgar, S. (1998). Intrinsic viscosities of polyelectrolytes in the absence and in the presence of extra salt: Consequences of the stepwise conversion of dextran into a polycation. Ahn, G.Y., Eo, HS., Kim, D. et al. Journal of Chemical Education, 80(9), 1036-1038. ; Ross-Murphy, S.B. Ioan, C.E. Carbohydrate Polymers 87, 405-410. These constants can be determined experimentally by measuring the intrinsic viscosity of several polymer samples for which the molecular weight has been determined by an independent method (i.e. Small Intestinal Permeability and Gut-Transit Time Determined Solvent effects on polysaccharide conformation. (1954). All authors read and approved the final manuscript. European Polymer Journal, 42, 1086-1092. ; Bos, G.W. The .gov means its official. WebLabeled dextrans are hydrophilic polysaccharides most commonly used in microscopy studies to monitor cell division, track the movement of live cells, and to report the De Belder, A. N. (2001). The most widely used method for the characterization of macromolecules is the capillary viscometry, as it is a simple and economic method. Soc., 21, 1, 78-86. Progress in Measurement, Interpretation and Application to Structure in Dilute Solution. If plotted for all molecular weights, the double logarithm of [] and Mw, the value of a obtained in all cases shows a value smaller than 0.5, which reports that dextran macromolecule has a degree of hyperbranched with increasing molecular weight and increases much for higher Mw (< 200kDa) which making the application of M-H method more difficult. Journal Argentine Chemical Society 100 (2013) 25-34. Copyright 2006-2023 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved, Dextran, Tetramethylrhodamine, 2,000,000 MW, Lysine Fixable, Sulen und Kartuschen fr die Chromatographie, Kunststoffartikel und Zubehr fr das Labor, Spektroskopie, Element- und Isotopenanalyse, Alle Themen fr Hilfe und Support anzeigen, Status und Nachverfolgung von Bestellungen, Reagenzien und Kits fr die Neurowissenschaft, Discover how to track and trace cells by imaging , Hier finden Sie unsere brigen Tracking-Produkte fr Sugetier-Zellkulturen, Molecular Probes Dextran-Konjugate Tabelle14.4. Equivalent Radii and Ratios of Radii from Solution Properties as Indicators of Macromolecular Conformation, Shape, and Flexibility. Bookshelf Front Microbiol. The analysis of errors using the Solomon-Ciuta method is compared with HM [59]. eCollection 2015. FITC-dextran molecular weights; 4, 10, and 20kDa molecular weight were purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, MO, USA). This site needs JavaScript to work properly. It has been found that, when applied to water treatment, it can effectively act on refractory organic matter in wastewater through thermal decomposition and water molecular action to produce free Markiertes Dextran wird hufig per Mikroinjektion in die Zellen eingebracht. The 70-kDa FITC dextran reached the jejunum after 15 min and passed the entire small intestine within 1 h after its administration, demonstrating that 4-kDa FITC dextran measured in plasma 1 h after its oral application is a marker of small intestinal permeability. The mechanism of the dextran-induced red blood cell Aggregation. Masuelli, Martin A. Hydrodynamic properties of whole arabic gum. Microporation was performed 2, 5, and 10 times on each sample. Walkenhorst, S.; Olivier, R. (2003). Drug deliv. Experimental Review on Intrinsic Viscosity Measurements and Temperature Effect.". Web54 we estimated that the hydrodynamic radii of 3-5 kDa dextran, 20 kDa dextran, and 70 kDa dextran are 2 55 nm, 5 nm, and 6 nm, respectively. Cite this article. WebThomas Gutberlet works at Jlich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS-2), Forsch and is well known for Lipoteichoic Acid, Neutron Reflectometry and Neutron Reflectivity. Bahary, W. S.; Hogan, M. P.; Jilani, M.; Aronson, M. P. (1995). The 70-kDa FITC dextran reached the jejunum after 15 min and passed the entire small intestine within 1 h after its administration, demonstrating that 4-kDa FITC The proportionality between []0 and M0.5 is obtained as a limiting law for the no draining regime. Structural and biocompatibility properties of dextran from Molecular weight (Mv) and hydrodynamic properties can be calculated from there. Epub 2022 Feb 2. The important role of thermodynamic interaction parameter in the determination of theta temperature, dextran/water system. (2013). Citation-(RIS Dextran Barrier integrity was examined using Tewameter to confirm the poration of human cadaver skin using a microporation device. Thermo Fisher Scientific. The study of biopolymers as dextran in aqueous solution, is effectively determined by intrinsic viscosity [] measurements at different temperatures. The receptor chamber was filled with PBS. These values indicate for dextrans in dilute aqueous solution, both methods give very similar results of the intrinsic viscosity and the respective Mw. Santoro MM, Gaudino G. Cellular and molecular facets of keratinocyte reepithelization during. The Principle of the Suspended Level: Applications to the Measurement of Viscosity and Other Properties of Liquids. Challenges for the modern analytical ultracentrifuge analysis of polysaccharides. Biomater Res 24, 22 (2020). Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Viscosity of in water solution polysaccharides depends on intrinsic characteristics of the biopolymer (such as molecular weight, volume, size, shape, surface charge, deformation facility, esterification degree, and galacturonic content) and on ambient factors (such as pH, temperature, ionic strength, solvent, etc.). Cookies policy. Pamis, R.; Hernndez Cifre, J. G.; Lpez Martnez, M.C. ; Aberle, T; Burchard, W. (2000). Chem. Biodegradable dextran hydrogels crosslinked by stereocomplex formation for the controlled release of pharmaceutical proteins. Liu Zonghua; Yanpeng Jiao; Yifei Wang; Changren Zhou; Ziyong Zhang (2008). Dynamic light scattering study confirmed the mono-disperse nature of dextran with hydrodynamic radius of 900 nm. Monolayers and Thin Films of Dextran Hydrophobically Modified. He, L.; Niemeyer, B. DLS tests were conducted at detection angle of 90 (standard) and 173 (backscatter) to measure protein hydrodynamic radius, while protein charge was examined in phase analysis light scattering (PALS) mode at detection angle of 15 (forward). Thomas Gutberlet (Lipoteichoic Acid): Statistiques d'influence Guner, Ali (1999). The values of 0 decreases from 2.5429 to 2.3326 x 1023mol-1 demonstrating a relative flexibility of particles. Intrinsic viscosity-molecular weight relationship for chitosan. Table 3 shows the intrinsic viscosity for the rest of the dextrans obtained by using the single-point method, measured at different temperatures. For a given polymer-solvent pair, the theta condition is satisfied at a certain temperature, called the theta () temperature or theta point. Monosaccharide analysis revealed that the polysaccharide comprised only glucose units. (2013). Journal of Physical Chemistry. Regulating dynamic signaling between hematopoietic stem cells The Transdermal diffusion cell system (DHC-6TD, LOGAN instrument, USA) was used to assess FITC-dextran permeability in vitro. TEWL values before and immediately after microporation on human cadaver skin according to the number of times microproration was done (n=3). It has been found that, when applied to water treatment, it can effectively act on refractory organic matter in wastewater through thermal decomposition and water molecular action to produce free 8. (2001). 20K. * shows a significant difference between the M.W. dextran hydrodynamic radius In this work, hydrodynamic properties are investigated in different dextran aqueous solutions with different molecular weights (8.8-2000kDa), in a temperature range from 20C to 50C. The calculation of Mark-Houwink parameters is carried out by the graphic representation of the following equation: where kMH (cm3/g) and a are Mark-Houwink constants, depending on the type of polymer, solvent, and temperature of intrinsic viscosity determinations [46]. Just in case anyone wants to use a different molecular weight to estimate the hydrodynamic size: the calculator is integrated into the classic Zeta volume24, Articlenumber:22 (2020) WebDextran produced from Weissella cibaria JAG8 was purified and characterized. The parameters of Mark-Houwink for polymers can vary with the polymer solution and temperature. Soc., 16, 3A, 426-433. (1958). WebHydrodynamic radius = variable size of an analyte with specific MW based on dynamical properties. The Solomon-Ciuta single-point method is used for calculating dextran intrinsic viscosity and the error relative is calculated, and %RE respect to Huggins method is >4.18% for 2000kDa, and >2.06% for 8.8kDa (Table 2). The regeneration process of the skin is regulated by growth factors such as keratinocyte growth factor and fibroblast growth factor, which trigger the proliferation and migration of cells [23, 24]. Hi Sir Alexander Malm , Thank you very much! Really appreciate your help! Dextran standards with sequence molecular weight from 8.8, 40, 71.9, 110, 200, 580 and 2000 kDa were utilized for the plot of calibration curve. @ Nilimesh See attached. Pharm Res. Expert Rev Med Devices. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Hydrodynamic dextran hydrodynamic radius. ; Yevlampieva N.P. Peptide and protein transdermal drug delivery. CAS Department of Biomedical-Chemical Engineering, The Catholic University of Korea, 43 Jibong-ro Wonmi-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 14662, Republic of Korea, LG electronics, 19 Yangjae-daero 11-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 06772, Republic of Korea, You can also search for this author in