Q: Why do you think that people have seized upon this? These photos may well be art they're sure as hell not science. He announced in 1994 (one year after the study) that violent crime had decreased 18%. I want to mention another point Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It demands a freedom of view and greatness of thought so far unknown, indeed, not even dreamed of since Copernicus. Fred Alan Wolf, PhD in What the Bleep Do We Know? Quantum mechanics is a replacement for the phrase "anything goes." What tH LP D (k)ow!? - RationalWiki To accomplish that, you would have to invoke "new physics," Dr. Schumm says, in which the explanation can be verified or falsified through experiment. There are also controlled, double-blind prayer studies out there much more interesting than the D.C. crime study cited in the film, though not necessarily more convincing. She does play a large role in the movie and you can read all about her nonsense here. While the movie "What The Bleep" has some flaws from a science point of view, science of this type is so foreign to most people, that they feel they have to "jazz it up" to keep people interested. Knight's compound outside the town of Yelm has been built over the former horse-breeding grounds: The estate consists of JZ's present home, a white 12,800 square foot French chateau styled 4-bedroom house, her original home (a 1,600 sq. ?, never before seen DVD programming features, 20 minutes of new animation, new interviews, along with 5 hours of uncut interviews and a filmmakers Q&A, the Quantum Edition contains over 15 hours of material on 6 DVD sides. The reason you should be suspicious is because we don't even understand classical consciousness. The sub-atomic particles that make up the atoms that make up the rock are there too." You should be wary whenever you hear something like, "Quantum mechanics connects you with the universe" or "quantum mechanics unifies you with everything else." For starters you'd have to take a lot of samples from different parts of each ice specimen. [5] Foreign gross added another $5 million for a worldwide gross of nearly $16 million. There's just this little matter of the science being a bit bleep. It's certainly not. asks nothing but . The bits and pieces of matter that make up sub-atomic particles (protons, neutrons and electrons) don't exist in any handy, measurable way unless they're interacting with one another. This is an explanation to help understand what might be going on, but it is not part of the theory because it is not falsifiable: it cannot be tested in such a way that, if it were false, it would fail the test (without falsifying the whole of quantum mechanics, and therefore all the other interpretations too). Magician and skeptic James Randi, famous for debunking performers like Uri Geller, has offered his standard prize of $1 million cash money to Dr Emoto if he can get the same results when doing the water study this way. But most of the talking heads' quotes seem either to have a hidden agenda, or to be sliced and diced to buttress Ramtha's ideas. All the weirdness of quantum mechanics gets washed out on the scale that we can experience. After a lesson in quantum mechanics from a precocious kid on a . Nasa found something. To some extent it could be, because memories and thoughts are stored at the molecular level, and at a molecular level quantum mechanics is significant. How quantum physicists 'review' the 'Bleep' movie Otherwise, the process falls "outside the realm of physical statements and has entered the realm of spiritual belief.". We may be able to use quantum communication in ways that we haven't done before. There were many more, but I will leave them for others. Cast. (2005)", "Cult Science Dressing Up Mysticism as Quantum Physics", "The New Age Spiritualist and the Old School Scholars", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=What_the_Bleep_Do_We_Know!%3F&oldid=1139210194, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, That the universe is best seen as constructed from thoughts and ideas rather than from. Review of the What the Bleep Do We Know? - Christian Research Institute What the Bleep Do We Know!? - WatchDocumentaries.com Beyond fear, beyond anger. Dr Joao Migueijo is reader in theoretical physics at Imperial College, London.What the Bleep Do We Know!? It is my task to convince you not to turn away because you don't understand it. The narrative follows a fictional photographer, Amanda, through her emotional and existential journey of life. But quantum mechanics, for better or worse, doesn't bring any more spiritual benefits than gravity does. We want to bridge divides to reach everyone. To date, there has been no response as to where the information which lead to the story about the indians not being able to see the ships of Columbus originated from. (stylized as What t #$*! Quotes From the Movies Science Of The Mind Fifth Dimension Joe Dispenza Get What You Want Neurons Brain Spirituality The infinite info that the brain is processing every single second tells us there is more to the world then we're perceiving it. Within several weeks, the film had appeared in a dozen or more theaters (mostly in the western United States), and within six months it had made its way into 200 theaters across the US. One has already been recognized: If we do carefully prepare quantum systems, and keep them isolated, we can perform quantum magic technologically potentially on scales that we haven't been able to do before. If you want to affect something in the external world, you have to do something to it. It was amusing when John Hagelin tried to run for US president representing the Natural Law party during the 1990s. is god-awful. We hear more and more from JZ Knight, a woman channeling the ancient warrior Ramtha, a chap who (through Knight) incidentally leads the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. "The movie is saying that somehow we can all get together and, with our collective thought processes, we can influence the outcome" of physical events - be they life experiences or scientific. And if you really want to be friendly, ask me about "The Case forPluto.". We might be able to create quantum computers, for example, that will simultaneously do many different calculations at once, because the quantum world is capable of doing many things at the same time. or call us at 1-617-450-2300. The Bleep in a Nutshell: 1. As the discussion moves from science to pop psychology, the film s endorsement of Ramtha s School Of Enlightenment and its simplistic self-improvement mantra becomes clear. What The Bleep!? Down The Rabbit Hole | Documentary Heaven The observer effect of quantum physics isn't about people or reality. When they use the word 'observe', they actually mean 'interact with', not look at or think about.). A moderately low-budget independent film, it was promoted using viral marketing methods and opened in art-house theaters in the western United States, winning several independent film awards before being picked up by a major distributor and eventually grossing over $10 million. Even though there's lots of proof that the Moon landing happened, some people don't . William Arntz has referred to the film as "WTFDWK" in a message to the film's street team. Study Guide", "Teaching physics mysteries versus pseudoscience", "Review: What The Bleep Do We Know!? And in fact we can make weird quantum phenomena happen. !" is a radical departure from convention. What the Bleep Do We Know postulates the existence of a spiritual connection between the realms of quantum physics and consciousness, demonstrating this through inspiring visual effects, story-telling and interviews with experts. When a movie gets rave reviews as a mind-blowing flick about quantum physics, it's worth checking out. But to insist, as one on-screen interviewee does, that the material world around us is just one "possible movement of consciousness" undermines the possibility of any objective, external reality--something fundamental to many religions and to science. Unfortunately hes written no papers after 1995, see, http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/find/hep/www?rawcmd=find+a+hagelin&FORMAT=WWW&SEQUENCE=. If you wanted to study the impact of spoken, drawn or written sentiments on the formation of crystals in freezing water, you'd have to do a slightly more rigorous study. Since its release in April 2004, this independent film has become a cult hit, playing to packed houses and grossing over $7.5 . Everyone is still talking about the movie What the Bleep Do We Know!? I think its a good idea for people to consider the example of Hagelin: hes completely delusional and has zero common sense, but able to function at a high level in the particle theory community. This is the first coronavirus vaccine approved by the FDA, and is expected to open the door to more vaccine mandates. ", Critics offered mixed reviews as seen on the film review website Rotten Tomatoes, where it scored a "Rotten" 34% score with an average score of 4.6/10, based on 77 reviews. You are free to comment as you wish. 7. Ive not seen the movie, and dont intend to, but David Alberts book on Quantum Mechanics and Experience is one of the best things Ive read on the interpretation of QM. There's also much to be said for the idea that divine is not so much a separate entity but is found in the interconnectedness of the universe, something both traditional religious believers and "spiritual but not" people often agree on, though semantics can get in the way. Categories conflate, confound, connect", "Our power is in our ability to decide - Can you? The brain wasn't born yesterday. Skeptic James Randi described the film as "a fantasy docudrama" and "[a] rampant example of abuse by charlatans and cults". Everyone knows quantum mechanics is weird, so why not use that to justify it? With Marlee Matlin, Elaine Hendrix, John Ross Bowie, Robert Bailey Jr.. A fictional photographer's quest to spiritually rediscover herself is interspersed with documentary footage of scientists and theologians discussing the philosophical aspects of quantum physics. to someone you know: In addition to the films three directors, there were actors and others involved in the production who are long time "students" of Ramthas' School of enlightenment. There are lots of things in quantum mechanics that sound like magic. What the Bleep Do We Know!? (2004) - 3663 Words | Movie - Free Essays "[5] The same article quotes Bill Pfau, Advertising Manager of Inner Traditions, as saying "More and more ideas from the New Age community have become accepted into the mainstream. A: Of course it does. [2]. That's not always true, but it's often true. Can the weirdness of quantum mechanics make you well, or make you wealthy? I don't know how many times I've heard people say, "Oh, I love quantum mechanics because I'm really into meditation, or I love the spiritual benefits that it brings me." "What The Bleep Do We Know? The quantum world is intriguing, but unless you're a particle physicist it's got very little to do with the world's reality. WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW?! - American Chemical Society Dr Joe Dispenza (the one who creates his day) has gone to court and testified that his teacher (ramtha) has told him that terrible times are coming and that he needs to protect his family. What the Bleep do we know - Internet Archive And any Cognitive Behavioural Therapist can help us to change the way we see things by changing our thought patterns. The year's most unexpected indie hit in American cinemas - a film about quantum physics - is about to open here. No, that wasnt intended specifically as an attack on supersymmetric models; the fact that Hagelin worked on them isnt an argument for or against them. Many religions and spiritual paths--from Hinduism, with its concept of maya, to Christian Science--teach that appearance is illusion. Whether you're religious, spiritual, or none of the above, you can say one thing for this movie: it's an equal-opportunity offender. 1. Gifted and talented kids: how do you nurture a curious mind. This message will appear once per week He has stated in several venues that his views were totally misrepresented in the film. Wertheim continues that the film "abandons itself entirely to the ecstasies of quantum mysticism, finding in this aleatory description of nature the key to spiritual transformation. On certain scales, for certain times, in certain regions, everything goes and strange things happen. I started out thinking that BLEEP 2 would be a ground-breaking update covering ideas and discoveries in quantum physics, brain neurology and consciousness studies introduced over a decade ago. Quantum physics tells us that reality isn't fixed subatomic particles only come into existence when they are observed and 2. You can't change the world by thinking about it. Dr Joe Dispenza and Miceal Ledwith are both long time students and appointed teachers at Ramthas school of enlightenment (RSE). If it were manifest, you could run at a wall a lot of times, and every now and then you'd spontaneously appear on the other side of the wall. 1. But it's not true for the universe at large. A disproportionate amount of time was given in voice and film to Ramtha, Dr. Joe dispenza, and Miceal Ledwith. Featuring interviews with scientists and theologians, this compelling film thrusts the viewer into a world where science and spirituality intersect. The brain processes 400 billion bits of information a second but we're only aware of 2000 of these but our awareness of those 2000 bits of information are just about the environment, our body and about time. As the Amanda plot zooms here and there, a host of dubious evidence is marshaled to convince us that life is all about mind over matter. Update: More information at the end of the video description.Comment approval now removed. [5], According to the makers of the film, "Bleep" is an expurgation of "fuck". And if you're a modern thinker you'll know for a fact that quantum physics is wacky stuff. For many years in the early-mid-eighties, the Maharishi was pushing N=8 supergravity as the unified field theory, I remember a colorful poster explaining how it agreed exactly with his philosophy that many people posted on their walls. What The Bleep Do We Know? Review | Movie - Empire I am glad that someone else thought that that movie was a bunch of garbage. (Physicists should take part of the blame for this confusion. Answer: Photographer. There was some sort of plot involving a woman photographer (played by Marlee Matlin), who wanders around and has anxiety attacks. Everything from the possibility of disappearing and reappearing, to the possibility of having strange new forms of communication. Some lost their entire life savings. Supported by groups like the Templeton Foundation, legitimateor more creative scientists are exploring the mind-body connection, or the similarities between particle-and-wave physics and certain religious concepts like the Trinity. Bleep was conceived and its production funded by William Arntz, who co-directed the film along with Betsy Chasse and Mark Vicente; all three were students of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment. "Quantum physics calculates only possibilities Who/what chooses among these possibilities to bring the actual event of experience? Filmed to promote a new age philosophy based on a very, very broad interpretation of quantum physics, the movie was funded by J. This will be revisited if anyone else tries to circumvent a channel ban in future.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:I'm citing \"Fair Use\" under US Copyright Act, Title 17 512 (g)(f), specifically those clauses covering Comment and Criticism, as well as the DMCA.http://www.aclunc.org/issues/technology/blog/asset_upload_file939_6218.pdfAlso \"Fair Dealing\" under UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 c.48, Part 1(Copyright) Section 79.4ahttp://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1988/ukpga_19880048_en_4Censorship is NOT a valid argument.This is the first part of my critical analysis of \"What The Bleep Do We Know?! In the film, during a discussion of the influence of experience on perception, Candace Pert notes a story, which she says she believes is true, of Native Americans being unable to see Columbus's ships because they were outside their experience. Her experiences are offered by the filmmakers to illustrate the film's scientifically-unsupported thesis about quantum physics and consciousness. The following persons in the film have all spoken at RSE and sold books there. I think of what Niels Bohr said to Wolfgang Pauli about theories that are "not crazy enough to be true." A classic experiment on visual processing involves asking people to watch a video of 6 people passing a basketball, and press a button every time a particular team has possession. does a reasonable job of presenting some of these quandaries, researchers say. "Your mind can't tell the difference between what it sees and what it remembers" Dr Joseph Dispenza (Chiropractor ) in What the Bleep Do We Know? ), is hooked on prescription pills, and mopes about while her chirpy roommate spatters paint around their apartment. According to his books, water exposed to loving words shows brilliant and attractive patterns, while water exposed to negative thoughts forms incomplete patterns. Watch What The Bleep Do We Know?! | Prime Video - amazon.com He even called in to a radio program the director was on to discuss this and was cut off. Quantum physics tells us that reality isn't fixed subatomic particles only come into existence when they are observed, 2. . yeago works Blog Archive Jesus, Buddha, Ken Wilber?? What the Bleep Do We Know?: Discovering the Endless Possibilities for ISHEAGU MASSACRE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: Isheagu is a town whose origin is traceable to the Eastern part of the contraption called Nigeria. You might think that meant there were 18% fewer violent crimes than in the previous year, but the decrease was actually relative to his predicted increase based on some fancy statistical footwork. Thorough debunking of that shlock "What The Bleep Do We Know?" - Yelp But when you get hit with so much information that's been edited to within a frame of its life, things get a bit confusing. Has this experiment been replicated or verified? Happy Water Crystals Debunked as PseudoScience June 23rd, 2018 - Are Dr Masaru Emoto?s Fantastic Claims Actually Real Via is masaru emoto . From my perspective, once you had identtified Smolins position( I gave this in previous post[Posted by sol at September 25, 2004 04:18 PM] ), then you would know he holds Einsteins, in relation to the Solvay meetings, and strings have modified what Bohr and Schrodinger were doing in developing QM. According to Joo Magueijo, professor in theoretical physics at Imperial College, the film deliberately misquotes science. He points out that Gallo et al anounced that AIDS is caused by HIV at a press conference, without there being a single paper published in a scientific journal substantiating this. "Particles appear and disappear where do they go when they're not here? 3. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. What the Bleep Do We Know!? contact customer service Do we know" . As the sample size grows, so does the scientist's confidence in the statistical inferences drawn from the large sample. What the Bleep Do We Know? | Not Even Wrong - Columbia University subscription yet. What the #$*! Do We Know!? (Film) - TV Tropes The 2004 theatrical release was succeeded by a substantially changed, extended home media version in 2006. But when the ramblings about quantum physics start merging with fridge magnet philosophy, it's time for a little reality checking. Guess that could not have been done to easily in the Catholic church. I remember Hagelin wanting to discuss how quantum field theory could explain how TMers were able to levitate, something about how they did this by changing the position of the pole in the propagator. VISiT http://docsubtitles.blogspot.comsubscribe to watch full moviecheck also short trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJOrsql3KwU Right now they use a key that's based on the products of large prime numbers, and no computer could determine the prime factors in a time shorter than the age of the universe. Also, the movie suggests that the quantum idea of matter embracing all its possible states at once applies to the larger world of people and rocks. mixed truisms with conjecture, interviews and dramatic "recreations" of the ideas being discussed, to form a kind of cohesive supposition on the link between mind and matter, biology and the Big Bang. Nobody does.". A: Well, Roger Penrose has given lots of new-age crackpots ammunition by suggesting that at some fundamental scale, quantum mechanics might be relevant for consciousness. He has however just released his third book of pretty crystal pictures. " " " !". Filmed in Portland, Oregon, What the Bleep Do We Know!? Intercut with these metaphysical ponderings is a soapy fictional narrative starring Marlee Matlin as a broken-hearted photographer. Blech. Mon August 23, 2021: The US Food and Drug Administration on Monday granted full approval to the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine for people age 16 and older. HCI president Peter Vegso stated that in regard to this book, "What the Bleep is the quantum leap in the New Age world," and "by marrying science and spirituality, it is the foundation of future thought."[5]. !" is a radical departure from convention. Pingback: Not Even Wrong Blog Archive Hidden Dimensions, Pingback: Rachels Musings Rabbit Holes and Other Oddities, Pingback: Not Even Wrong Blog Archive Philosophy of Science on Blogginheads.tv, Pingback: For "The Baby Goes Out With The Bathwater" Crowd - SLUniverse Forums. (It's all to do with photons of light from your measuring instrument hitting the poor electron and knocking it for six). And while I dont think supersymmetric GUTs are anywhere near as promising as many people seem to think, they are a much saner idea than many that dominate research these days (take the Landscape, please). Do We Know!?) Interspersed with the plot were interviews with various supposed scientists with something to say about quantum physics, consciousness, God, etc. Q: You do see that in some science-fiction shows for example, last season on "Fringe." One of the scientists interviewed is John Hagelin who, besides being part of the TM cult surrounding Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, presidential candidate of the Natural Law Party, and Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace is a rather prominent particle theorist. And a lot of people talk about quantum consciousness that even if the everyday world we see is not a system that can be changed, our consciousness about the world can be changed. But it's quite a leap to say the brain doesn't know the difference between vision and memory. Everyone said that you have to see this movie! So I did. Well, people are able to undergo various transformations. So what constitutes quantum quackery? "But that's two leaps beyond what scientists believe to be true.". The whole thing is really moronic beyond belief. We That movie started its life as a small documentary about Spirit and Science, but grew in scope (and budget) and became What the BLEEP Do We Know!? [5] Author Barrie Dolnick adds that "people don't want to learn how to do one thing. and published a study guide. The director, William Arntz, has described What the Bleep as a film for the "metaphysical left". Here's an edited transcript: Cosmic Log: Every once in a while, you'll hear about something like "The Secret," or some other reference to quantum mechanics as explaining how you can change your universe, or even perhaps why it's in the realm of possibility that a globe-gobbling black hole could be created because "anything can happen" in quantum mechanics. But no scientific discovery has proved so ripe for spiritual projection as the theories of quantum physics, replete with their quixotic qualities of uncertainty, simultaneity and parallelism." The film's central point--that reality is a construct of our own brains--seems rife with intriguing cinematic possibilities. bleep blorp!" I implore all of you to ignore Rubio's critics and acknowledge that the senator from Florida is absolutely correct.
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