He was born March 21, 1763, in New Haven, Connecticut, to Diantha Ward and Reuben Hale. The Wives of Joseph Smith - Emma Hale Introduction, Blessing from Joseph I am grateful to Nancy Mess for helping me find the location of the current Timothy Pickering headstone in the Lanesboro Cemetery. 196. Emma had already assisted Joseph as a scribe during the early stages of the Book of Mormon translation. 40. F. W. Beers and Company,Atlas of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania(New York: A. Pomeroy, 1872), 17; Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,105. This suggests David rented land over the next decade from Levi Westfall who farmed with his father James two farms east of Isaac and Elizabeth Hales farm.251, Jesse and Alva Hale were both listed in the1820 census as heads of household while twenty-six-year-old David was included in his fathers household as an unnamed individual listed in his age category. There would not be a gristmill within twenty miles for another two decades and the family likely ate little grain themselves. 117. As Nathaniel Lewis matured, he grew up in a Connecticut full of these stories. During the Panic of 1837, the Kirtland Safety Society, the banking venture that Joseph and other church leaders had set up to provide financing for the growing membership, collapsed, as did many financial institutions in the United States at that time. Willingborough Township, Direct Tax Lists 1798, 4. Timothy Pickering III (Tim Pickerings) biographical details are included in his sons work, Charles Pickering, M.D.,Chronological History of Plants: Mans Record of His Own Existence Illustrated through Their Names, Uses, and Companionship(Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1879), vii-xvi. 226. . 95. She described one of these homes in which achinkin the wall was its only window, the panes being irregular bits of glass fitted in as well as they could be, and in dark weather it was necessary to light a candle to do the washing.. 77. The family moved to a new Latter Day Saint settlement in Illinois which Joseph named "Nauvoo". Emma Hale - Fuller Consideration On his deathbed Isaac could not resist mentioning Joseph Smiths name, while Joseph wrote in his own history how his wifes father had acted under Divine providence in his defense.316. 160. . Some of it was even shipped overseas. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, had recently coined the phrase, cleanliness is next to Godliness, and his thinking clearly influenced Colbert who frequently used the word filthy in his journal to describe the cabins he saw, the people he met, and the meager food they shared. It is possible that Hales role in working for the well-read Pickering family encouraged them to suggest names for his daughter. Although he did not purchase his own land, by the end of that year he was taxed for 54 acres without cattle or taxable houses. J. H. Beers and Co.,Commemorative Biographical Record of Northeastern Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Susquehanna, Wayne, Pike and Monroe(Chicago: J. H. Beers and Co., 1900), 1232, 124748. Samuel Whaley,History of the Township of Mount Pleasant, Wayne County, Pennsylvania(New York: M.W. 15. Emma was born 10 July 1804 to Isaac and Elizabeth Lewis Hale. Isaac Hale remembered of Joseph, his appearance at this time, was that of a careless young mannot very well educated, and very saucy and insolent to his father.302. William Cope, A Journey to Great Bend and Return to Philad-a, Cope Family Papers, Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, capitalization added for clarity. Others also consistently agreed the workmen boarded with Isaac Hale. The only means of getting from here [at the log church house eight miles downriver from the Hales] was by canoes. [18] Emma died peacefully in the Nauvoo House[citation needed] on April 30, 1879, at the age of 74. 145. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Timothy Pickering Jr., Drawings and Instructions for a House in the Country, The Timothy Pickering Papers, 17451820, 45:4955, Massachusetts Historical Society. Shortly before this, Joseph had initiated the Anointed Quoruma prayer circle of important church members that included Emma. 17. Emma was the first woman to receive temple ordinances; she then initiated other women in these sacred rituals. Almon Munsons tavern in Taylortown, two and one-quarter miles west of the Hale home, was the only one near the Hale home in 18241825.271 It was in the Munson tavern where the Hale familys neighbors regularly gathered for activities, and it was in the Munson Tavern where Isaac Hale sat on the Grand Jury investigating Jason Treadwell for the murder of Oliver Harper in 1824.272 That tavern building still stands today.273 Charles Hatch operated a tavern in Lanesville, three miles east of the Hale farm, but not until 18281829.274. 115. Emma Hale Smith Bidamon (July 10, 1804 - April 30, 1879) was an American homesteader, the first wife of Joseph Smith, and a prominent leader in the early days of the Latter Day Saint movement, both during Smith's lifetime and afterward as a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (RLDS Church). Silas Gildersleve, letter to Family, September 18, 1823, John Comfort Correspondence, George Fisk Comfort Papers, Syracuse University Special Collections; see also, Charles Wentworth Upham,The Life of Timothy Pickering(Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1878), 4:116. By February they had arranged to buy the house from Jesse and the 13 1/2 acres of farmland from Emma's father, Isaac Hale. Colbert met with a Presbyterian minister as he traveled, perhaps Daniel Buck, and after a deep conversation he noted of the minister, he believes it is his duty to pray in secret, but says he has not heart to itthis is his complaint. Isaac Hale (1763 - 1839): Father of Joseph Smith's lawful wife, Emma Enoch Mudge,The American Camp-Meeting Hymn Book(Boston: Joseph Burdakin, 1818), vii; Adam Clarke, the theologian to which many Methodist clergymen, including Emmas uncle Nathaniel Lewis, looked for insight into the scriptures, interpreted the Elect Lady mentioned in the Second Epistle of John (2 John 15) as an eminent Christian matron . Her cousins named their son Algernon Sidney Lewis after the English philosopher Algernon Sidney who opposed absolute or divine right monarchy, and the Litchfield area became a central base for operations during the war where the Continental Army could rely on consistent support, store supplies, and keep prisoners of war. Hale and Lewis also built two houses for him, a log one in 1801 and a large, frame, three-story structure in 1805.149 Colonel Pickering drew detailed plans for the home and for a large barn that included specific instructions as to how each space should be arranged and used.150 Hale and Lewis became the poor neighbors whom he has employed [who] view him with the respect and affection of children to a father.151, As Isaac Hale reviewed Pickerings instructions and learned to build the Pickering home, he likely gained experience and ideas he later used in building his own home. Events of the 1838 Mormon War soon escalated, resulting in Joseph's surrender and imprisonment by Missouri officials. VIDEO: The Discovery of the Book of Mormon | Scripture Central . Elizabeth Hale connected herself to the Methodists early and may have been the one Hiel Lewis had heard about, confusing the details, but Isaac remained distant.190, Frederic Stier and Timothy Lee first arrived in the Susquehanna Valley in 1805 and found most of their success there in 1806.191 When Stier and Lee brought Methodism it resulted in a general revival of religion which swept along that portion of the Susquehanna Valley as the popular movement replaced Bucks Congregationalism.192 Lee did not list any Hales among his converts, but missing names in the records was not unusual as most individuals caught up in local revivals were not numbered among the short list of convertsparticularly if they were already baptized.193. Vogel, Josiah Stowell, Jr., to John S. Fullmer, 17 February 1843,Early Mormon Documents,4:78, 80; Vogel, Lyman Stowell Reminiscence, 1901,Early Mormon Documents,4:86. But he is never mentioned in later accounts of Rodsmen activity. The oldest sons of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale were mature when the family finished their frame home, and they may have preferred their independence staying in the log home where they had grown up. On January 17, 1827, Joseph and Emma left the Stowell house and traveled to the house of Zachariah Tarbill[12] in South Bainbridge, New York, where they were married the following day. Farmers, ministers, and school masters were exempt from a tax on their trade. June 11, 2022 Posted by: georgia death race 2022 . The announcement of Joseph having the plates created a great deal of excitement in the area. The artifacts have been placed in bags and marked storage boxes and can be accessed in the collections of the LDS Church History Museum. John RATHBORN died 12 May 1836 aged 87 years. A Heart Full of Love and Faith: The Prophets Letters to His Family, in Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2007), 23847. Their log home was continuously taxed as a residence for many more years as others lived there, but the family did not build a foundation for the home when it was moved and allowed it to slowly decay. The detailed reports of this excavation are available in the unpublished documents: Hartgen Archaeological Associates, Inc., Report, Historic Sites, Church Historians Office, 2005; Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc., Archeological Field Investigations and Addenda 1 and 2, Joseph Smith Jr. House Site, Town of Oakland (Formerly Harmony), Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, May 2005. He has an almost strictly sexual relationship with Feyre. 241. Smith lived near Palmyra, New York, but boarded with the Hales in Harmony while he was employed in a company of men hired to unearth a "Dream Mine". He left all the personal property, furniture, clothing, and cooking utensils to his wife Elizabeth. : mormon Isaac Hale (1763 - 1839): Father of Joseph Smith's lawful wife, Emma Smith. Even though Rose was wealthy and from the Philadelphia elite, he was still influenced by popular culture of his day which suggests the cultural context of the Endless Mountains where the Hale family lived. Vogel, Hiel Lewis Reply, 6 August 1879,Early Mormon Documents, 4:316. John D. Monroe,Chapters in the History of Delaware County, New York(Delaware, New York: Delaware County Historical Association, 1949), 8997, 109. Anne SMITH daughter of Thomas Smith died 11 February 1880 aged 33 years 140b. Public Member Trees - Ancestry.com Several decades later, in 1825 Isaacs sons Jesse and Ward bought the Traves sawmill, and the illiterate John and Mercy Travis both signing their X for the transaction.143 Some of the millers, sawyers and workmen of these mills were among the earliest converts to Mormonism.144. Although Raymond Bailey noted It is thought [Emma] . 83. Isaac Hale was not a Methodist and not exposed to the same rural religious conflicts as has confronted the Lewis family. David Hale's Store Ledger: New Details about Joseph and Emma Smith, the After this she married a man far inferior to her in every respect and far beneath her in rank.311 This was a concern of the refined social classes. Ch.2) This quote is not from The History of the Church, Volume 1, Chapter 2, as claimed. S. Hall,The School of Good Manners, Composed for the Help of Parents in Teaching their Children(Boston: S. Hall, 1790), 1011. Also available as A Study of the Origins of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the States of New York and Pennsylvania, 18161831, Dissertations in Latter-day Saint History (Provo, UT: Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Latter-day Saint History; BYU Studies, 2000). The young women in the McKune family married most of the prominent men in the township. Emma delivered a baby son who died soon after birth on June15, 1828, when she nearly died herself. 197. Mary S. and John W. Park, present owners. 206. See BrianC. Hales, Joseph Smiths Polygamy, 3vols. An 1857 hand drawn map of the Susquehanna Valley includes a stylized sketch of the Hale home depicting a structure similar to the one Timothy Pickering hired Isaac Hale to build for him.244 Pickering designed a typical Federal style home for his plantation in the Susquehanna Valley that included a neatly balanced appearance. If Joseph Smith met Emma while eating, it appears that he sought other occasions to visit her at home. 295. He did not add any value (and hence no tax) to the Morse land but increased the Smith land value by $150.00. Personalities in the Doctrine and Covenants and Joseph SmithHistory. This is the same Oliver Cowdery, whose name may be found in the Book of Mormon. On December 21, 1819, John Comfort assessed Isaac Hale a tax for three homes on his property. Joseph Smiths 13 1/2 acres were rounded for tax purposes to 13 acres of improved land just south of the Morse property. Several of Pickerings friends had purchased large tracts of land in the Susquehanna Valley from him; and those friends combined the properties together and gave them as a gift to Hamiltons widow for her familys support.155 Through this means Elizabeth Hamilton briefly became owner of a significant portion of the Hale neighborhood. Spots not far from the back doors of kitchens were considered prime dumping grounds back then, George Washingtons Incredible Garbage Dump,Popular Archaeology,11 (June 2013): 1,http://popular-archaeology.com/issue/june-2013/article/george-washington-s-incredible-garbage-dump. 244. Map by Brandon S. Plewe. 150. Hale would have needed a smokehouse and butchery to process his regular catch of game, and these were likely the first outbuildings he built after a privyif he built onenot everyone did in the early years. This contained 304 hymn texts. Photo (2006) by Kenneth Mays. 94. For details about John Lewis as minister in Harmony, New York, see, Elder John Lewis, and Harmony, Feb. 22, 1826, Elial T. Foote Papers, Chautauqua County Historical Society; McClurg Museum, Westfield, New York, 2:37 and 26:137. Isaac and Elizabeth Hale Home - Clio Several decades later, some of the valleys residents were successfully growing marketable crops. The property boundary on the eastern line of the Lewis property and the western line of the Hale property cut through a Native American camp where a small band cooked food and made arrowheads. 177. However, as the time passed Isaac had concerns about Joseph's character and history. When Lucy Smith recalled years later her visit at the Hale home in autumn 1828, she described the home as amansion that included convenient appendage necessary. Since the dimensions of the Isaac and Elizabeth Hale home and its proposed layout were similar to the Joseph and Lucy Smith frame home in Manchester, New York, Lucy must have focused on something other than size in her exuberant description. Nathaniel Lewis led his congregation along the east bend of the river while the west continued with their traditional worship increasingly under the influence of Daniel Bucks son, Captain Ichabod Buck. There was also something said about "three that were to see the thing" -- meaning I supposed, the Book of Plates, and that "if the three did not go exactly according to the orders, the thing would be taken from them." . . 50. 4 Juli 2022 4 Juli 2022 iatse local 800 initiation fee pada isaac hale father of emma smith. 187. When John and Phoebe Comfort moved to Harmony in 1808, built a large sawmill, opened a mercantile institution, farmed hundreds of acres of prime land, and purchased the large Pickering country house, they instantly became not only one of the wealthiest families in the township, but members of this same elite group that established social order and respectability for the rest of their remote mountain valley.When the Comforts joined the Methodists the year after their arrival, during the period when Methodism became Harmonys dominant religion, they became closely allied with the prominent Hale family. Stocker noted in his account of this difficulty (Centennial History of Susquehanna County,550), Mr. It's worth noting that this is the historical record and there might be different perspectives on Isaac Hale's relationship with Joseph Smith. Their families all lived in Lanesville where the generally shallow river water filled the air with a constant roar and the creaking of several sawmills added the noise of industry and pious work to the setting. I checked these facts after listening to a recent podcast with Grant Palmer here. It was there that he met Emma Hale, daughter of . Vogel, Frederick G. Mather,The Early Mormons. Methodist circuit rider William Colbert left Lackawanna, fifty miles south of the Hale home, on Monday, December 3, 1792, heading north on horseback to take his increasingly popular religion into the Endless Mountains. 91. Goodrich,The State of Vermont Rolls of the Soldiers in the Revolutionary War, 17751783, 208209. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. 201. Sherman Day outlined Roses management of Carmalts lands and suggests he acted as an agent for Carmalt when the latter left the region. The Lord will have respect to thy cries, and by his judgments he will cause some of them to see their folly and repent of their sins; but it will be by affliction that they will be saved. 313. EMMA HALE In late 1825, Joseph Smith was working as a hired hand on a farm in South Bainbridge, New York. A second son, Frederick Granger Williams Smith (named after Frederick G. Williams, a counselor in the church's First Presidency), followed on June 29, 1836. David Cordingly,Under the Black Flag: The Romance and the Reality of Life among the Pirates(New York: Random House, 1995), 17879. But the reflection is more than human nature ought to bear, and if God does not record our sufferings and avenge our wrongs on them that are guilty, I shall be sadly mistaken. 9. Colbert, Journal of the Travels of William Colbert.. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,53; Wilkinson,Annals of Binghamton, 102. Along with their sons (and Hales uncles) David and John Ward, Arah and Phebe Ward took ten-year-old Isaac and set out on a 176-mile journey to establish a new life in Wells, Vermont, where Arah purchased a mill site in July 1773.19 The following summer the Wards donated ten acres for a Congregational church, and David Ward served as the Reverend.20 William Cowdery Sr. (whose grandson Oliver was born in Wells) became the deacon in their church.21, Isaac helped his grandfather build a gristmill in Wells and run it until the Revolutionary War transformed their community. John Comfort, letter to Silas Comfort, Letter, February 23, 1838. This lady was a very intelligent woman, when young she moved in the first circles of society. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Into this humble dwelling he moved his family on the tenth day of April, 1791. Rev. It was too wet and humid for a crop more susceptible to fungi than other grains.116 Barley suffered from similar challenges. 251. Grant held his meetings in both the Comfort home on the east end of the township in the village of Lanesville (John Comfort joined the Methodists in 1809) and the Hale home on the west end of Harmony Township near the hamlet of Taylortown.206Grant likely preached at the Comfort home in the morning hours and the Hale home in the afternoon hours to keep up his long list of scheduled preaching locations downriver. Nathaniel Lewis dedicated much of his time during that year to working for the Unitarian Timothy Pickering and assisting the dying Tim Pickering in his last hours, but he was also likely involved in Methodism by then, since he had preached for years in Vermont before marrying and coming to Pennsylvania. 35. 242. Hale was not taxed for a barn in 1798. A later reminiscence ties the name Harmony to Henry Drinker Jr.s land agent John Hilborn. William Drinker and Others Exects of Henry Drinker Deced to Nathaniel Lewis, August 6, 1810, Deeds, Wilkes-Barre, Luzern County, Pennsylvania, 12: 22327. See Emily Blackman, draft version of History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, Susquehanna County Historical Association, Montrose, Pennsylvania. http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/tarbell_john_3E.html. He was likely a local Freemason. The tree that marked the spot had been cut down when he shared his story with Catlin and the old man could not tell him where it was buried. Isaac and Elizabeth Hale had few expenses during their early years. 178. The Hales were among a small number of prominent families in the valley who established a standard of ethical behavior for the community. Hale Home. [citation needed] When he and the majority of the Latter Day Saints of Nauvoo abandoned the city in early 1846, Emma and her children remained behind in the emptied town.[21]. Only six families in the valley had frame homes while less than half of the barns and other outbuildings in 1798 were specifically identified as log structures, suggesting the earliest sawn lumber went to outbuildings.142, When John Comforts sawmill began operation at the bend of the river, it was clearly the largest in the region and made lumber readily available in the area. Emma and Joseph met when he boarded at her fathers inn while working in the area. The evidence suggests a mixed response to African-Americans in the valley during the early years. . Emma and Joseph's descendants grew While the meat he proscribed may have been a simple reference to food, Hales word choice in his mid-nineteenth century will also reflected the typical diet in the area. 9. 127. Relations between Young and Emma steadily deteriorated. Marjorie Catlin Roehm,The Letters of George Catlin and His Family: A Chronicle of the American West(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966), 810. 129. Lewis reenlisted as part of the 2nd Regiment. I have selected the standard spelling for use here, see Sarah M. Kimball, letter to Marinda Hyde, January 2, 1848, Marinda Hyde Papers 18381849, CHL; Nauvoo Stake High Council Minutes, October 27, 1839, (rough book), CHL; and Oliver Cowdery, Diary and Nauvoo High Council Minutes (fair copy), 2728, CHL. Isaac claims, "Smith stated to me he had given up what he called 'glass-looking,' and that he expected and was willing to work hard for a living." (Isaac Hale, father of Emma Hale Smith, History of the Church, Vol.1. But as the economy continued its downward trend, all of the Hale children who could left the valley a few at a time. A surveyor in the employment of Dr. R. H. Rose, while tracing a boundary line through the woods, placed his hand high on a tree to mark where the ax-man, who followed, should strike out a chip as an evidence of the line that had been run. Isaac Hale, McKune Cemetery, Oakland, Susquehanna Co., PA, Find a Grave, posted 29 June 2002 (memorial no. The scenery, sir! He in turn hired Isaac Hale the following summer of 1793 to make sure the road on this last segment was properly constructed from Colesville south through the eastern edge of Willingborough Township.109 The segment of road Hale supervised construction on became the Harmony Turnpike as it passed along the eastern edge of Oquago Mountain.110 But the side roads remained barely passable for years afterward. REVOLUTIONARY WAR VETERAN --- This brief bio text was created by Tim Troxell, who initiated Mr. Hale's memorial: Isaac Hale was born to Reuben and Diantha (Ward) Hale. Upham,Life of Timothy Pickering,19. He quickly found himself alone in the darkness surrounded by the cries of howling, ravening wolves, and greedy bears, in these regions of barreness. In that isolated country, Colbert found the occasional smoky cabin tucked back from the river hidden in the woods. Thomas and Mary Buck Tarble became part of the same Presbyterian community near Ouaquaga village where Josiah Stowell served as a deacon.After her husband Thomas was killed in an accident and buried on Abel Stowells farm, Mary moved to father-in-law John S. Tarbeles home a little south of the Hale family. See discussion below of this Joseph Smith land in 1832 for additional insight. Nathaniel and Esther Lewis became Wells Townships first converts to Methodism. For example, Hymn 15 changed Isaac Watts's Joy to the World from a song about Christmas to a song about the return of Christ (see Joy to the World (Phelps)). 290. Nathaniel and Esther had four more children as the family struggled to make a living in the hard scrabble of their new settlement. Others worked up or down river.One of these mill operators left an account of the rafting that played a role in his mill operation, noting, I stayed in that country about eight years and labored very hard rafting on the Susquehanna River, and many times my life was much exposed. Zera Pulsipher, History of Zera Pulsipher, typescript, Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University. B. Buck to Emily Blackman as cited in Blackman,History of Susquehanna County, 495. . Some of the survivors of this massacre fled north to Canada and fought for the British in Vermont. Anderson,Ancestry and Posterity of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale, 42728. 310. Zenanah Gilbert, who attended a Methodist camp meeting in the area in 1810, described her experience: Sunday early in the morning Brother Ths [Thomas] Sister F [Fanny] and myself set off for to go to a Methodice field Meeting we call at the Post and [pick up numerous others with the wagon at several locations] . Whatever the ultimate motivation for Hales decision to ignore the controversy, after having worked one summer in Connecticut, he concluded to try the West.29. This continued a struggle Joseph Smith faced for several years over how his taxes were determined. [19], Joseph and Emma returned to Harmony for a time, but relations with Emma's parents broke down, and the couple went back to staying in the homes of members of the growing church. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,9091. Tavern owners needed a license from the county to operate their business. If so, it served as school, church, and residence for a period.256. After the half starved Colbert ate with a nasty dirty woman and her nasty children, he established a black class in the valley west of Willingborough and then headed home.182 Methodist classes were loose associations that gathered for Bible study and provided organized service to help the needy in a community, and the white members of the community typically organized classes independently from their black members.183 This class would have operated without formal support or direction and would not have taken religion over the mountain to the Susquehanna Valley.
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