This simple gospelthe fullness of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christis fully revealed in the New Testament book of Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7 and reintroduced word for word in the, Had the early American Christians realized the importance of these simple and basic principles, and had they established their laws and government on these, the United States of America would have been what the. You call me judge, then you judge me. I admit, that this life is hard and the choices tough. Nevertheless, there was no Is there evil in the world. God is self, who we would be if we werent here in mortality that puts a veil over our eternal selves. Though he did not appear personally, Nemelka sent his legal counsel, Rodney J. It was convoluted when it came out in their little Catholic New Testament this way, The Kingdom of God is within you. Christ taught the people that the universe revolves around you each one of us. Many leaders in these various sects wrote their own scriptures through revelation. Christopher Nemelka had been granted custody in the couple's 1986 divorce in Utah. There is no longer any hope for the people of this world. I will no longer be a messenger to anyone who does not, with a sincere heart and real intent, desire to know what I know, and then, upon knowing it, fully respect and support it. Ida Smith, Chris Nemelka, and Spiritual Witnesses of Truth After all, he, like Joseph Smith, claimed to have personal visitations from heavenly beings. This weekend, Christopher Nemelka, the self-claimed author of the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon, and his supporters will host a broadcast of his entire work in Liberty Park.--- Nemelka appeared in City Weekly as the subject of cover story "Sealed Fate," which charted the curious saga of his relationship with the great-great . My grandmother had acquired these books from her sister who was a devoted Mormon after she passed away. This simple gospelthe fullness of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christis fully revealed in the New Testament book of Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7 and reintroduced word for word in the Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi, chapters 12, 13, and 14. God cannot lie, if he did, he would cease to be god. And what allows us to have these things? After one failed attempt on his life he declared that it was evidence that Providence wanted him to do what he was doing. of a record that was reported to be a translation of certain plates with the appearance of gold. We dont judge and we love them instead. Even his own close helpers are financially supported by him, especially those who he could not refuse in the past for their offerings. He doesnt want to be worshiped. I will accomplish this through a series of discussions published as The REAL TRUTH ZEITGEIST. I fail to see the logic in your position. Again, I have lost all hope in the people of this world. But the basic difference is clear, one side accepts responsibility, the other despises it. It is not real truth. Theres no possible gain you could get from my current real legal name other than to root me out and find my bishop. Nemelka states that, in 1987, while in the Salt Lake City Temple, Joseph Smith appeared to Nemelka, called him as a prophet, and informed him that he is Hyrum Smith reincarnate. It is only by showing others they are equal to us regardless of family, religious association, or acts of patriotism towards ones own country, that we will recognize one another as His children and no one will have the desire to raise a hand against another ever again. Surely every Elder in this religion should be aware or have knowledge of these earlier writings, but yet I cannot find one bit of information concerning them on the internet, although I will continue searching until I do . Why try to change them? Yet, there is nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the intent and desires of the Real Illuminati. I wont condemn you or say you are on Lucifers side of the battle. He carefully lead them to embrace that there is no Christ. If the prophets can do the same, they lie no more than I. What do you think would happen to these supposedly evil people when they realize they can survive without effort and are supported by those who had the right to kill them? again, hurr durr, tits or gtfo. Do you think it was Gods judgement? Paul saw things he said were unlawful to speak. Joseph and Hyrum met their demise while incarcerated at the Carthage Jail in June 1844. (NOTE: If youre interested in knowing how this work has affected the lives of other people, you can review the following testimonials at. These verses do not mention men with priesthood authority, just men in general. Instead they cover it up and reject a work that is based on the foundation of their WHOLE religion! The three books of this Trilogy will give the specific details of what this group has done to help save humanity. For their thoughts, everything. God, to my understanding, is not literally our father. Maybe because of the reason the book said! In his personal testimony, he says he now lives singly and alone.. After all, much like the free market, God and the angels cant intervene into our free willwe must invite their help. What is about to happen is mentioned in my mentors new American scripture as the result of the fullness of the wrath of God.. A psychopath is kind of like a person who is colorblind. If you want to know how to spot a liar watch the TED Talk How to spot a liar. But I do know this. Muslims are seen as radical religious nuts. Buy the way, Christopher has called me a "Priest of Baal" in response to a blog post of mine. Didnt Christ say that what we do to the least of these, we do it unto him? It just isnt what it is claimed to be. We just love repeating these stories and do not want them lost. And to respond without judgement and always offering friendship when possible. Thats why eventually we all have to be separated into the places based on the good or evil in each person. I have no need to convert everyone or even one. Everything that I have testified to above has a religious connotaion to it. He hadnt yet accepted the calling. The only thing constant in his message is, you are not responsible for anything. I was chosen to be a True Messenger for the Real Illuminatia group of highly intelligent (illuminated) mortals whose sole purpose is to help the human race save itself from complete destruction. There is no lesser glory, they are all equal but different. That can only be received through personal revelation and not from any earthly organization. We cannot be trusted with that power. Likewise, a person in the Telestial kingdom is just as important and unique and full of joy and happiness as someone in the Terrestrial or Celestial kingdoms. He gave these teachings to the Jews and repeated them, word for word, to the ancient American people (according to the Book of Mormon). 4 And when ye shall receive these Again, I ask, what is more important, Christ as a man or the gospel he taught? Something only the US could give away so freely because of their continually advancing war machine that is the greatest beast upon all the earth. The colorblind do not know colors because they cannot physically feel them. He taught Peter James and John things he didnt teach the 12. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. The Bible was created by men, who, throughout history, wanted to present a philosophical idea of our relationship with a God as our Creator. I personally reject the claim the gospel never changes in the LDS church, the gospel never changes but is independent of any organization. I respect the viewpoint and belief systems of others. The final phase of my role is to explain the Real Truth about the universe, this world, and the individual person. The original messenger now known as Christ was who he claimed to be, but his overall purpose and teachings have been clouded from oral traditions kept hundreds of years before it was recorded in the Bible. of men, save their precepts If we can repent and be made clean where is the consequence? Doesnt the LDS church teach murderers and adulterers and thieves and other sinful individuals also inherit a kingdom of glory? This is defying authority outside of your own personal revelation. It brings me peace. That everyone has the potential to find the truth and to have a greater connection to our true selves (Holy Ghost) and be one with the Father and the Son. Repentance is a very real thing, but it is our change of heart that truly makes us feel forgiven. 16 Wherefore, the Lord God gave To do that, you would need to study Christophers books more. Nobody else will pay them what they are worth! My True Self named me this. I only share it with those who I feel are ready for it. Up until I was 16 I never really questioned too much. Yes, it is true Lucifer wants to take away our free agency and ensure everyone has the same power as our creators so he can ensure we all have the same reward. Millcreek family seeks answers in mysterious shooting death of mother It was Gods prophet that struck Korihor mute. These so-called excommunicated for being curious people should really just leave the church of their own free will. Your emotional reactions to ideas are authentic, but you are not comparing ideas, people and situations accurately and fairly. in the name of Christ, if these things This verse states the precepts of men can be by the power of the Holy Ghost if they are correct! I go to church because the Holy Ghost (in non-religious terms, my true self or advanced self) suggests to me that it is a good practice and that I can benefit them with my presence. It looks as though he wrote a book of logically what he though the gospel was (worlds, mothers etc.) And it is all in the name of a just and righteous God. Do you have any information concerning the original sealed portion. That raises the question as to why? If I go to a UFO convention and I talk to believers in aliens, its the same thing to me. Vessels, to explain the importance and controversy surrounding this event. Everything that I have testified to above has a religious connotaion to it. It NEVER gives an individual the right to tell someone else what is right and true unless requested by that individual. Christopher Marc Nemelka, 60 - Orem, UT - Has Court or Arrest Records First of all Jesus said, By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them The United States is the Most Corrupt Nation on the Earth. Sch ni TNG NAVARRE VI TRN IN BIN PH Jean Pouget Ti xung nghe tp m thanh sch Anti Christopher (Lock him up and throw away the key) He does not get what life is all about). 2nd Nephi 28: It will be their fault they chose to reject me, it will be contention that brings us to Satans playground instead of anything meaningful. That book can prove the LDS church untrue despite that I believe the church is more enlightened and has more truth than their Christian brothers. That is, show us real truth. If that isnt Gods judgement I dont know what is. You need to be completely driven to finding truth at all cost. The Sealed Portion was not made up by Christopher. It is a humane kindness I practice to respect your beliefs as best I can. My psychopath, would stare me straight into the eyes and lie right to my face while remaining motionless in her upper-parts. I didnt judge the work until I had read it in full. But when we communicate with our higher selves (the LDS call this the Holy Ghost), we can know all things in faith and humility. I have knowledge that can save this world from the destruction that appears imminent. Dismisses the need for authority Alma 30 We allow others to suffer so that we can prosper. Its Korihor all over again. Or you dont like the answers? Gods ultimate goal is for all of us to be happy, and he knows best where to place each of us based on the choices we make. Christopher fully explains the temple endowment and is honest about its interpretation. However, these people do not have access to me.). I can acknowledge that all three were remarkable and inspired works, all three have had a massive impact on the world, but who inspired them?. Leave go our Zion Kingdom as we provide a space for your kind in the last days upon the world in which you deserve. However, truth often is not edifying but is in fact damning to those concerned as they lose their innocence and realize their own sin. Satan is the father of all lies no matter how cleaver they are. Why would I think you are confronting me when you claim I am the great Korihor (whore) of the earth? Christopher Nemelka | Mixed Reality Wiki | Fandom An hour or so later, I went back to my room, and as I lay down and closed my eyes, I cried out, God, please help me to sleepI feel fucking retarded right now. Poison who you will, but none will accept your iniquity as long as you continue to polute the human mind in this estate. Religious cons are some of the worst cons, IMO, as they take advantage of people's most basic human needs to believe and trust in something higher. They were promised that no other nation would threaten or take away their freedom if the American people (who called themselves Christians) would establish their new nation, their constitution, and their government on the rock of the teachings of Jesus. So rather than argue the surface issues and personalities of the persons involved, just look at the doctrinal teachings. . I have received many revelations over years since reactivation in the church that proves to me what the Sealed Portion is true. I would call that hypocrisy. Your thoughts and feelings are an open book to him, and as long as you can stand before the Christ and have a totally clear conscience, then there is no fear of Judgement. I am more concerned with what God would say as opposed to the arm of flesh upon this earth. Yes, it is if you are LDS. Background details that you might want to know about Andrew include: ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political . Should we fight against it and learn to control it, or should we blame Satan instead? So why would not the modern prophets follow the same pattern. But if I were asked directly if I knew the Book of Mormon was true, I would answer yes if that individual expected me to answer that way as a confirmation of his testimony he deeply cares for or if I feel the Book of Mormon could do that person some good, assuming they wanted my advice on searching for truth. [Download Book] The Sealed Portion - The Final Testament of Jesus I know and can explain things that no other mortal has ever been able to explain. Ive been taught by them I know whats happening in that universe. Mortality is forgiven when it was seen we would fail many times and stumble. I know he wasnt a perfect man, nor are any of us, and I am sure that he did things that he would like to go back and rectify, and I dont know why the Lord chose Joseph to be his modern day prophet, but what Joseph did as a prophet of the Lord is perfect in every way.
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