I can only guarantee that the TSAPO65Q would work very well. Canon 60Da DSLR and Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 L2 lens at 135mm, f/3.2. I got this lens because of portraiture. The full extent of the relationship between Rokinon and Samyang is unknown to me, but the packaging on my lens says Technology by Samyang Optics. I got many great shots from this lens but also missed ton of shots due manual focus only. Great lens, but I can't understand why Canon can't control quality. Will I be able to capture the heart nebula with the lens youre talking about or would I need to modify my camera as well? I've done comparisons between my brand-new Samyang 85/1.4 and the old big Apollo 135/1.8 lens I had lying around, and the shots were for all practical purposes identical (exept, obviously, for the pixel count once cropped). But she might as well be in front of a green screen. This is a stunning lens, clearly one of the very best lenses that Canon produces, this is in the same world class as the 35 1.4, 85 1.2 L lenses. The 135mm f2 is by all accounts one of their better and more reliable lenses however I believe the chance of a defective lens is lower with the Canon. I cant seem to find this documented anywhere. (Dpreview), Use the 500 Rule to find the Perfect Exposure Length for Astrophotography, Use a DSLR Ha Filter for Astrophotography, AstroBackyard | Astrophotography Tips and Tutorials2023, Optical Construction: 11 Glass elements in 7 Groups. The 135mm f/2.0 ED UMC Lens for Canon EF Mount from Rokinon is a manual focus telephoto prime lens useful for portraiture and all medium telephoto applications. The Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex by Eric Cauble using the Samyang 135mm F/2 lens. One very popular lens for bokeh fiends is the Canon 85mm F1.2it can produce extremely creamy out of focus backgrounds. Still, all things considered, I prize this lens very highly and can not imagine giving it up. The one and only 300mm lens I tested is the Zeiss Tele-Tessar 300mm F4. When all that was available were APS-C crop cameras a 85mm lens provided a near equivalent view angle to the 135mm on a full frame camera. A con is that it really makes you rethink the use of your zoom lenses. IQ will rival any other lens. Here are our top picks for the canon lenses for astrophotography. This criticism refers to rare cases when your main subject matter is flat and completely inside the limited DOF range while the rest of the image is outside. However, they can be perfectly corrected with narrow band H-alpha or OIII filters. There are a lot of photo/video cameras that have found a role as B-cameras on professional film productions or even A-cameras for amateur and independent productions. Part of it might be that they were designed for film photography and modern digital sensor are far more demanding in terms of optical quality. I have used and still use the 135MM F/2 l lens. Wonderful image quality, lots of detail, contrasty, subject separation, fast and accurate AF, bright viewfinder, solid construction, unobtrusive in use, No weather sealing, makes all my other lenses look poor (even the 'L' zooms that, when I first got them, imagined could hardly be improved on). I dont mean to be rude, but I fail to see any photographic comparison or test to display the quality of this lens against others, concerning coma or anything else, except considerations on the manual focusing, its shape and ergonomic. We were very impressed with X-T5's 40-megapixel APS-C sensor, check out some full resolution images! We think it rises to the challenge. You don't have to worry about shopping for a better lens anymore. f/2! I bought this lens after reading your great review for my Nikon D5300. But I would argue that a 135mm F2 lens produces even greater bokeh, thanks to the long focal length that compresses the background far more than the 85mm lens. Focus are dead on with my Fullframe or APS system. Sme of the wide field are. Already wide open this lens produce some high quality photos. You're sour grapes man, you wish it were you who wrote the article. Because of chromatic aberration, no telephoto lens can be used at full aperture. I have been following your work both on YT and here from Japan for a while. Its nice to have the F/2. (purchased for $800), reviewed March 15th, 2010 In excellent condition, this lens retails for around $200. In fact, a light-weight 200/2.8 seems more interesting to own (e.g., the Minolta 200/2.8). The Sadr Region in Cygnus, including the Crescent Nebula by Eric Cauble. Chromatic aberration is almost eliminated in narrowband, so lenses with that problem may be fine performers. I mainly use for head shot photography. I hope that this post has provided some practical insight into a popular camera lens for astrophotography. But you raise the exact point, that primes should be chosen with a 2x factor. At under 900USD, it's a steal. While there are certainly pricey 135mm F2 lenses out there (such as the aforementioned Sigma 135mm F1.8 Art, or the Carl Zeiss 135mm) there are a couple that give you extreme value for the money. Using a Canon EF 24-105mm Lens for Astrophotography - AstroBackyard Here is a recent ones taken with the canon xs and a lens. The only reason i sell this lens is because of versatility. . I should mention that I have only tested this full-frame lens using my astrophotography DSLRs, all of which are crop-sensor camera bodies. The original poster is right that it was a compromise though and stopping down was necessary for critical sharpness and a better image. I was expecting a lot more of an article that says "the best telephoto lenses for astrophotography". Canon EF 135mm f/2 L USM (72mm filters, 0.9m/3' close-focus, 25.0 oz./708g, about $1,035.) Lior, I have done a lot of reading on modern zoom lenses. In these situations, a portable, wide-field imaging rig wins. Samyang should definitely make 135 f2 with the same optical formula and AF for Sony EFF and also Nikon F plus Canon EF mount if possible. Particular properties of modern 135/2 lenses are resolution with e.g. Why you should own a 135mm F2 lens - DPReview For example, a friend recently recommended Pentax 6x7 prime lenses which were designed for a large format flat field, and are also adaptable to the EOS system. Valerio, Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing), Community Forum Software by IP.BoardLicensed to: Cloudy Nights, DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging, This is not recommended for shared computers, Back to DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging, Buckeyestargazer 2022 in review and New Products. How about the sigma 50mm f1.4 Art? Perhaps this impression of unreal sharpness is strengthened by the contrast to the extremely creamy bokeh you typically get in the same photo. The latter are designed for crop sensor cameras and the back of the lens sticks too far into the body of the camera and would hit the EOS-clip filter. Do you expect me to gawk? Stage photography is another good use for the 135 L. It's an ideal portrait lens. The 70-200L being a much more useful lens. Youll never have to worry about losing your position just by touching the lens, but you can always tape the position down to be sure. I prefer this lens than the 70-200/2.8. You are entitled to your opinions, and I respect that! Probably you could get a very similar image with a 85mm 1.8. Im getting a samyang to use with my 60D. It has no chromatic aberration, and no hint of star deformities in the corners. This lens has a long focus adjustment ring, with great tension. For posed portraiture, it's a very nice budget option.FWIW, I'm a corporate portrait and event pro. Still - a great portrait lens when used at f/2.8 or f/4, with a creamy bokeh indeed. ", I'd no problem with that. Read on to find out which you should be using and why! Mr Ericsson makes a very good point, and to go and dig irrelevant background info on him to discredit him is just well THAT is trolling. Nothing just makes sense about the review -- the writer does not really understand the lens he is reviewing, very basic concepts are wrong. Also, the lens can only be operated when aperture is set to 22, wondering how I could use F2. What I am trying to avoid is spending another $1,100 on a quality APO, and instead using my existing Nikkor 180mm ED lens with a Baader-modified Canon 450D that I just obtained. I've owned a few L lenses and while their USM motors have always been quick to snap in focus, this 135mm is on a different level. We've selected a group of cameras that are easy to keep with you, and that can adapt to take photos wherever and whenever something memorable happens. The spec sheet for the Rokinon 135mm F/2 boasts a number of qualities, with the ones listed below being the most important when it comes to night photography and astro. Since Eric was so generous to share his images with me, I had to include his photo of the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex as well. I think they are an outstanding value for any wide-field astrophotographer, and are particularly suitable for newcomers. This is huge for me, as it allows me to be much more nimble with getting the right composition and angle. Rokinon 135mm F2.0 ED Lens. To remedy this, I reduced the star size in post, and I started shooting at F/4 to really tighten things up. In photoshop I love to zoom 200, 300 and even 400% to see the extreme details it is an absolutely amazing lens, great backround blur, great for low light weddings with available light. Image quality, weight and value for money. You currently have javascript disabled. You currently have javascript disabled. Its actually kind of neat to watch! I need fast auto-focus, predictable focus lock and natural, vibrant color rendition. The Precious - sharp images, fast focus, perfect weight, reference-quality build. Prime lenses are typically lighter as they do not need the additional glass and mechanics required to zoom at varying magnifications. I have never had a bad experience buying used Canon lenses from eBay sellers with 99.5%+ positive feedback. The only thing that could possibly make this better would be to add IS. When attached to a DSLR camera with a full frame sensor, the lens offers a massive 15.5 x 10.6 field of view, or 18.8 across the diagonal. SIx months on from buying it this has become my favourite lens ever, beating my previous favourite (Leica's 4th version of the 35mm Summicron for its M-series rangefinders). In general, prime telephotos should outperform zooms. That's why I really enjoy shooting portraits with it. But you couldn't have because you don't know even as much as this guy. LENSES FOR ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY: Samyang 135mm f2 REVIEW - YouTube (purchased for $860), reviewed March 9th, 2017 I find neither the cat nor the duck particularly good. Shoot shiny metal at a wide aperture and you'll see some very extreme purple fringing. No rear seals - since the 17-40 Canon has added rear seals to L lenses, to help in weather sealing. Heh, it's amazing how far Samyang has come since this article (I'm loving their 45 & 75 f1.8), and kinda amusing that they ended up delivering exactly what you asked for Kinda reminds me of that article by Roger Cicala about how long lens development takes. I have the Canon EF 135mm, f2L USM. Digital sensors are roughly 5 times as sharp as 400-speed film. Again, there's no context. Really like the large focusing ring. The flat lens hood design allows you to easily take flat frames with the Rokinon 135mm using the white t-shirt method or using a flat panel. It is a heavy lens. Adam007,"a headshot is exactly where I want to see all those megapixels"No thanks. Camera tech for video has come a long way in recent years, with faster autofocus, subject tracking, eye tracking and smarter lenses that stabilize the frame. The best ones listed below serve well with a one stop reduction, and some require two or even three stops. If you own an EOS Camera - It's a no Brainer, Buy one The rest are relatively uncreative, and just seem lame to me. Yeah I agree that the sentiment that they were designed to be used stopped down is wrong as they were designed to be used wide open because they had to be for speed (my point above). There are quite a few other excellent lenses out there, and nowadays, quite a few that can be used wide open. Just place your subject against a distant background, and half of the job is done. He's better than I am on BS, I got to give him that. Thanks for the fine article and the thought you put into it. SharpStar Askar ACL200 200-mm f/4 astrographic telephoto lens, Astrotrac 360 tracking platform first impression, FIELD TEST: CARL ZEISS APOCHROMATIC & SHARPEST (CZAS) BINOVIEWER, Deus_Ex_Mamiya and Michael Covington like this. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. He loves photography, and runs a YouTube channel with tutorials, lens reviews and photography inspiration. Another example is the 100mm (or sometimes 90mm) F2.8 macro lens. What's the best camera for shooting sports and action? You're right, but a headshot is exactly where I want to see all those megapixels I bought put to use! I want to see the bokeh and the sharpness at 100% mag, don't care about the photos. While some people LOVE the bokeh circles (first photo), others hate them and consider them a distraction.The 50mm f/1.8 is hardly a lens to talk about. Otherwise this lens is absolutely incredible. If they could make 135 f2 lighter version with AF for Sony and price is slightly under Sigma 135 /1.8 and obviously Batis 135 2.8 it could sell like hotcakes. Its a joy to work with every time. Rokinon FE14M-C Lens. There are only a handful of foolproof strategies for making a great photograph. The RedCat is deeper at 250mm, and after that, youre into 300-400mm territory which pulls galaxies and nebulae even closer. One of them is simplicity: A clear, simple subject that constitutes a shape, standing out and contrasting against a calm and simple background. You may need to stop down to control star bloat, and thats exactly what Ive done with this 135. For DPReview, it's also an opportunity for a good old-fashioned camera fight. Rudy, why didn t you include any L lenses from canon? Fast. This gives me the power of 162x, which is barely sufficient for my 420mm fl APO astrograph at full camera resolution. Material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted or otherwise used without the prior written consent of The Imaging Resource. Focusing a wide open F/2 lens is demanding of the optics, especially on a field of stars in the night sky. Most small refracting telescopes start in the 300 to 400 mm focal length range, and even these are classed as widefield telescopes. The F/2.0 maximum aperture of the Rokinon 135mm lens offers a chance to collect a serious amount of signal in a single shot. Bokeh is buttery smooth, best you can get from a 135mm. Not another article that promotes portraits shot with wide open lens and out of focus highlights in the background. The main problem with the old lenses is spherical aberration and colour error, especially pronounced on digital sensors. Lots of older lenses no longer satisfy. I used Canon's 135 f/2 for ten years. I got mine for $60.00 on Craigslist but seen them on eBay for $100 and less all the time. The aperture ring is marked with each f-stop, and you need to manually click through F/2 F/22 and watch the blades do their work. My 24-70L needs to be stopped down to f5.6 to begin to match the sharpness of my 135L at f2.0 (the test shots were of the portrait of Andrew Jackson on a $20 bill). The version I have has the mount for Canon EOS camera bodies, but there are several different lens mounts available on Amazon. modest cost for "L" series, wonderful optics and fast speed, nitpicking, but not a circular aperature and no weather sealing. However, when my Canon "L" lenses are used at f8 they are all very sharp and the 135L does not blow the others away. The Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM Lens makes an excellent indoor sports lens. It's terrible. There are times that making no comment at all is far more telling than posting negative - and sometimes offensive - ad hominem attacks on the author for daring to show some enthusiasm. 24/28mm, 50mm, 100mm, 200mm. My first shot was a section of the constellation Sagittarius that included the Lagoon Nebula, and Trifid Nebula. Can't argue with your reasoning, Juksu, about the framing of the article, but just stopping by to say I really liked that cat picture, am shopping for a new smartphone, struck that this type of photo is in another league - all newbie observations, of course, which sort of supports your thoughts that an article like this would be better framed as a "Love this new long lens stuff" sort of thing. She doesn't look like she is there. (purchased for $899), reviewed March 19th, 2012 Online since 2011, AstroBin is the #1 complete solution for image hosting of astrophotographs. I put quotes around the ones that are written on the lens. No rubber sealing against the camera body tend to give me the creeps when shooting in the wet. Target for bortle 9 astrophotography? In this review, however, I am using the lens on a crop sensor (APS-C) Canon EOS 60Da, which puts the field of view at 12.4 degrees. I had one question that i cant seem to find an answer to.. Will this ever get old? Simple as that! For some objects a reflection can take away from the photo because it covers interesting details of the object (Think Alnitak in the Horsehead Nebula). I really wanted to use, and like, a 135mm f2 lens so I bought the Canon version. I use the word design, because although the available 135mm F2 lenses aren't the exact same optical formula, they share many important traits. And in their task to get that blurry background, they most often throw their main subject out of focus and/or to focus for anything else in the photograph that would make it, and end results are just "gear porn". Wonderful, smooth bokeh. It always happens to me with Samyang, it makes good glasses, fast and sharp, I want to have them, but they are not comfortable to use, not in Sony E, their focus is not precise, and they are not "so" cheap. Best lenses for astrophotography: 50, 85 and 135mm - DSLR, Mirrorless Aside from being much more affordable, telephoto lenses are easier to transport, easier to mount and easier to guide, and are much more likely to produce encouraging results to a beginner. The sigma 150mm f2.8 tests very well, zeiss 135mm apo sonnar, and leica 180mm f3.5 apo all proven performers on star tests. These lenses can be had on eBay in mint condition for around $70, and are probably the most price efficient optical instrument in the world. The second best, is the Hoya Pro One Digital MC UV(0) filter. Light weight and robust. http://www.flickr.com/photos/tbrigham/314771597/ The best 200mm lens is precisely the older 200mm F4 SMC Takumar, which comes with the M42 camera thread, and requires the M42-EOS adapter. The optical design includes one extra-low dispersion (ED) lens element to control chromatic aberration, and ultra multi-coatings (UMC) to both improve light transmission and reduce flare. Over the last ten to fifteen years excellent apochromatic telescopes have become available for visual use and photography. As you'd expect though, distortion and light falloff are both higher with a full-frame image circle, but perhaps not as much as you'd normally expect. Family moments are precious and sometimes you want to capture that time spent with loved ones or friends in better quality than your phone can manage. This is a very practical way to plan your next astrophotography project, and especially handy when using a wide field lens like the Rokinon 135mm F/2. You can also find him as @mwroll on Instagram and 500px. Proper composition, light and retouching are much prefferable to crazy gooey bokeh.
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