Key informants recommended several tactics to address poor quality in unlicensed care homes, but the overall strategy consistently discussed was to shut down these homes. We hypothesized that states that do not have well-funded HCBS programs may have a higher incidence of illegally unlicensed homes than states with more robust HCBS programs. licensure for adult foster care. However, key informants told us that often in these cases,the operator may have another building where the residents could be moved. Arizona Department of Health Services. Individuals who are poor, experiencing homelessness, or individuals with a mental illness who cannot return home orhave no home to return to after being discharged from the hospital are a source of clients for unlicensed care homes. Managing the care needs of low-income board-and-care home residents: A process of negotiating risks. Of these, three were determined to be unlicensed care homes. The reporters described cases of abuse in which residents were being beaten and burned, locked in basements/rooms, given buckets for toilets, and had their benefit checks stolen from them (Schneider & Simmons, 2012a; Schneider & Simmons, 2012b; Schneider & Simmons, 2012c). Third, the findings suggest it is important to determine the nature and scope of abuse neglect and unsafe conditions experienced by people who have low incomes and physical and intellectual or cognitive disabilities. Although a substantial amount of information and suggestions about methods of identifying unlicensed care homes came from site visits to communities in three states (Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia), whether any of these strategies will apply to other states or other communities is unclear. Reporting Unlicensed Activity - California Tobia's report (2014) described residents of unlicensed facilities as vulnerable older adults with "hard to place" mental health and paroled individuals who are warehoused. Key informants from Georgia and Pennsylvania reported that hospitals and hospital discharge planners (or their contractors) often place patients in unlicensed care homes (described in more detail in Section 4). We will however, treat all complaints with respect and make every effort to address concerns in a timely fashion providing written findings, conclusions, or next step recommendations to resolve the issue brought to the attention of our staff. 10 Steps to Open an RCFE in California - Assisted Living Education The study by Hawes & Kimbell also provided reasons operators do not seek licensure, including: inability to meet fire safety codes (e.g., installing sprinklers), lack of state supplemental payment for SSI residents or Medicaid waiver funds (which can be restricted to licensed facilities), and avoidance of inspections and sanctions/fines for not meeting state regulation. Based on our exploratory research, we found that a number of factors may have an effect on the demand for unlicensed care homes. Tracking Public Benefits and Representative Payees. The most prevalent strategy used by state and local officials to identify illegally unlicensed care homes is responding to complaints. Except for special circumstances, complaints must be filed in writing. Locking residents in rooms or chaining the doors at night to prevent residents from leaving the facility, which imprisoned residents and placed them at risk in case of fire. Finally, a peer-reviewed publication by Perkins, Ball, Whittington, & Combs (2004) provides insights into why an operator continues to operate an unlicensed care home. However, several SMEs and key informants noted that some unlicensed care homes are good and provide a clean, safe environment for individuals who might otherwise be homeless. The enactment of state laws or penalties and fines related to the operation of illegally unlicensed care homes is a strategy that states can use to address illegal unlicensed care homes. At risk adult abuse, neglect and exploitation in Georgia: Review and recommendations. The following section presents individual research topics and identifies the related questions that might guide future research on unlicensed residential care homes. As such, limited information is available about the quality of care and services provided in legally unlicensed care homes. Despite this lack of information about prevalence, we heard about many strategies for addressing the existence of unlicensed care homes and the conditions in them. Financial Exploitation, Abuse of Residents' Rights, and Program Fraud in Unlicensed Residential Care Homes, 6.4. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Other SMEs reported that efforts to discharge or divert residents from nursing facilities to community-based settings led to greater use of licensed RCFs and noted instances in which residents who exhausted their private funds might have no options other than unlicensed residential care homes. If the SSA implements this requirement, it could become a potential source for identifying unlicensed care homes. Another specific example included a resident moving from a home where the operator was their representative payee and the operator continued to collect their SSI check. The state has also been in the news based on actions resulting from state compliance with the Olmstead decision which has moved adults with mental illness from institutional settings into less segregated settings in the community. The California Room & Board Advisory Coalition is committed to enriching the quality of life of those in the communities we serve while maintaining the highest level of advocacy for providers and consumers. They noted that the following may have heightened the demand for unlicensed care homes: The admission and discharge policies of licensed care homes. We exist to empower, promote self-advocacy, and make available safe and supportive housing for adults, low income individuals, residents and Behavioral Health Consumers. In contrast, identifying and addressing quality in legally unlicensed care homes was only minimally discussed; however, in at least one of our site visit states, interviewees felt that it was feasible to identify these homes, given the existence of listings of these homes. We relied on a targeted literature review, interviews with a small number of SMEs, and site visits to just three communities, all of which limited the scope of our findings. Future research examining the role of hospital discharge planners and strategies to prevent discharge to unlicensed care homes appear warranted. PDF Residential Care/Assisted Living Compendium: California - ASPE Some residents were also described as transitional or homeless, while others were described as persons with substance use disorders. Additionally, states may implement public awareness campaigns to support identification of unlicensed care homes. Unlicensed care homes--which provide room, board and some level of services for two or more unrelated individuals, but are not licensed or certified by the state--fill some of the gaps in the availability of housing and services for these populations. Ombudsman programs are not adequately involved. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Multiple key informants reported that financial exploitation was the biggest concern surrounding unlicensed care homes. ("Independent Living") As a resident of an unlicensed room & board or "independent living" home, you have all of the same rights given to all tenants in California. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. One was a fairly large ranch style house that accommodates 15-23 individuals at any one time. Presumably, this led to an increase in need for LTSS for these populations. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. State and Local Policies Related to the Supply of and Demand for Illegally Unlicensed Care Homes. Once a room-and-board tenant is served with a termination notice, the landlord must offer the tenant an opportunity to cure some types of violations but not all violations. In Pennsylvania informants described a public education campaign including advertisements warning people about placing their loved ones in unlicensed care homes. Therefore, the purpose of this project was to conduct exploratory research on unlicensed care homes to understand more about their prevalence, factors contributing to their prevalence, their characteristics (including their overall quality and safety), and the types of residents they serve. I live in California and operate an unlicensed room and board home for the homeless/mentally-ill. Regulatory changes and the role of multidisciplinary task forces (which are relevant to both legally and illegally unlicensed care homes) are described next, followed by a summary of the strategies discussed during interviews to identify and shut down illegally unlicensed care homes and to monitor and improve quality in legally unlicensed care homes. Retrieved from In another report, a representative of the Arizona Department of Health Services stated that unlicensed assisted living facilities were not a problem because licensed operators monitor the industry and report illegal activity (Arizona Department of Health Services, n.d.). Find a qualified, certified administrator. Findings from the interviews suggest that the majority of unlicensed care home residents in the metro Atlanta area have severe and persistent mental illness and are highly vulnerable to exploitation. Retrieved from Licensure agencies in only three (Texas, Alabama, and New Mexico) of the six states studied in the U.S. Department of Justice Report (Hawes & Kimbell, 2010) acknowledged a significant problem with unlicensed facilities. Although the scope of our research was limited--involving a small number of interviews with subject matter experts (SMEs) and interviews with informants in three communities in three states--the findings have relevance for national, state, and local policies and practices and for future research. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Currently, 46 states provide some type of SSP (SSA, 2015). In Arizona, a bill to strengthen the elder abuse and fraud laws failed to pass again after being introduced in three previous sessions. Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police Ad Hoc Committee on At-Risk Adult Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation. (2013). Additionally, several SMEs and key informants noted that in many cases unlicensed homes are the only option, other than homeless shelters or living on the streets, for some of these residents. Key informants at the state level were able to provide estimates of the number of complaints they have received pertaining to unlicensed care homes, but not estimates of the number of unlicensed care homes. Please read and acknowledge the disclosure below: CRBC makes no representation or guarantee regarding the outcome and confidentiality of information provided through complaint process, whether in person, via phone or in writing. Attorney General Becerra Announces Establishment - State of California This site can provide up to five years worth of information on a facility. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies.