I ask this in the name of Jesus. Yes, you can, and many people have found it a safe and powerful combo for breaking their nicotine addiction. Keep him safephysically, emotionally, and spiritually. I decree by the authority of heaven, your son is a gift from God, he is a blessing, God made him a source of joy not for sorrow. And with that responsibility comes obstacles and stress. How to Pray to Quit Smoking: Breaking Addiction with Prayer And Other I ask all this in Your holy name. Learn how your comment data is processed. These apps can help you change your mental state by tapping into your subconscious mind and reprogramming it with positive messages about quitting without pain or suffering. The content on this site is not written by her but by many of God's amazing prayer warriors. Proverbs 22:29 CSB, Father, I praise You for my husband, Your unique creation. Prior to discovering the Diary, nothing helped keep me from lighting up - not my husband, not my children. Some smokers dont receive support when they try to quit. It can also cause you to develop cancer, heart disease, bronchitis, emphysema, and other serious health problems. Others do so because of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. 1. I ask for your mercy on him in the name of my savior, Jesus Christ. Prayer reminds you to honor your body. Prayer can help you recognize how your addiction affects other people, which makes it easier to focus on quitting for the right reasons and not just because youre struggling with nicotine withdrawal symptoms or cravings that seem impossible to resist. If he feels like giving up, show him a reason to keep going. In other words, theres no such thing as recreational smoking. The moment you take your first puff, youre already at risk of developing one of the most unhealthy habits known today. Hebrews 13:5 CSB, Father, please give my husband a pure heart for You. It can help you feel less alone in your quit efforts and more capable of handling lifes stresses without reaching for a cigarette. in my heart I feel that I am not being, and although I know that there is no sin in smoking , nevertheless When your husband is trying to quit smoking and drinking, here are 10 ways you can support him: 1. Amen. Lord, I particularly come to You today to seek Your face on this habit of smoking, a long-time habit that I have found so difficult to break. (1 Corinthians 2:16, 2 Corinthians 10:5), Father, open the eyes of my husband's heart to understand Your Word, so that he won't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of his mind so that he may know Your good, acceptable and perfect will for his life and our marriage. This is especially helpful when youre around friends or coworkers who smoke and you want to resist temptation. Used with permission. Prayer For Sufficient Grace To Stop Smoking, Loving Father - I come to You to pray that, Father Show us the way. Today we will be dealing with prayers for my son to stop smoking. When you quit smoking, you will be exposed to many stressors that may trigger your cravings for cigarettes (e.g., driving in traffic). 40 Prayers To Stop Smoking-Bibleandprayers.com Pray that he always remembers that God always provides a way through the storm. Spiritually, smoking habit is a sin, which is an unrighteous act before God and he that is unrighteous shall not see God. The truth is that your husband has a lot of responsibility as the leader of the home. Praying over your husband is a powerful way to honor, support, and love him. Lord God, we can no longer remain stagnant in our marriage. Many destinies have been destroyed on the altar of smoking. Christian's Prayer To Quit Smoking Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, my Saviour and I thank You that He died to pay the price for my sins and to set me free from the power of sin and death. Therapy can help you understand those changes better so you know how to manage your stress levels without relying on cigarettes as your crutch. Dear Heavenly Father, we are struggling in our marriage. Prayer for Husband to Stop Smoking Images "Dear God, the savior of my family, I am asking you to help me get my life on track again. Healthy Habits (e.g. My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I got rid of all my cigarettes and my lighters when I stopped last week. In these 40 prayers to stop smoking, we shall be praying against all factors that are enhancing the desire to smoke, be it lustful desires, evil communication and bad company, activities of demonic altars, household enemies etc. You have entered an incorrect email address! 30 Deliverance Prayer To Stop My Husband From Smoking. May God stop this divorce and let us be a happy family full of love. A 'Mercy' Cure for Smoking? | The Divine Mercy Here are five smoking cessation tools you can use in combination with prayer: This is probably the most widely-used smoking cessation tool you can find. Father, make your grace sufficient for my husband, that your power rests upon him and cause him to defile the spirit of smoking and stop it, in the name of Jesus. Prayer for Healing: Dear God, my husband is struggling with addiction and I pray for his healing. This habit also contributes to acne, wrinkles, and can make you more susceptible to infections. Let God place his hands on me to be a great husband to be an incredible father to my wife's boys. Dear Heavenly Father, my heart is torn because my husband is a nonbeliever. Help me become the loving wife Im called to be and open his heart to find the love he once had for me. Bring him home to me every time he leaves. Similarly, if youd like to eat healthier or lose weight but dont know where to begin, you can ask God each day for the strength and support you need to make healthy choices. Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. The Bible also tells us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Never stop. Trusting in a higher power can help you face lifes challenges without nicotine dependence. Please, Holy Spirit, breathe Your truth into his heart. This collection, inspired byThe 5 Love Languages, comes with sticky prayers, couples coupon book, correspondent cards andlove notes. When he is stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, I pray he will call on you for help. That he would be diligent and prosperous. Check: Catholic Prayer For Marriage Preparation. Yes, it can, especially when you combine it with other smoke cessation tools, like counseling, NRTs, and a hypnosis app. Lord Jesus, I believe so much in the miracle that you can do, I strongly believe in the saving strength of your right hand, I pray that you will change my husband in the name of Jesus. This is one reason you cant just will or purely pray your way to quit. And, as in all prayers, we should begin praying for him by simply thanking God for him. Do you see someone skilled in their work? We need You. Prayer for strength for your husband We all could use a little extra strength, and it comes from God! Years ago, I decided to consistently pray for my husband. Through prayer and other proven methods for smoking cessation, you can break the cycle for good. Being the head of a family requires no laxity from an individual in that position, a man or husband must keep his head up because any laxity from him can death a heavy blow on the family by the devil. The enemy has possessed his being and we are gradually losing him to smoking. Combine all of these elements, and it becomes clear why kicking the habit can feel so insurmountable. Yet we cant move forward, and we refuse to go backward. I decree by the authority of heaven that as you begin to use this prayer guide, God will deliver your husband from smoking in the name of Jesus. You might also think about how you dont want to become the reason someone else stops trying to quit, which you can do through prayer and meditation. Focus on bringing him good, not harm, all the days of your life, and pray unceasingly. Help me be a wife that can show him the way through my good example. With much gratitude and thanksgiving. Working out also helps you release those pent-up emotions you have been holding inside for so long, which can also contribute to your cravings. 7 Things I Would Do Differently if I Were Raising My Children 7 Prayers That Changed My Heart for My Husband, 3 Hopeful Prayers for Marriage Restoration, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information, Your husband steps into a world each day that tries his faith and tests his resolve. Pray for your husbands faith and ask Got to continually show him the way back. Also, most of them had great potentials for life before they started smoking. Ephesians 6:4 CSB. I want to do life with him, grow old with him, rock grandchildren with him. Free of Cigarette Addiction - Padre Pio Devotions Short Catholic Prayer To Quit Smoking - Daily Prayers Once you get in the habit of praying over your husband, your prayers will adapt as his needs change. It can also lead to untimely death of the smoker. (1 Thessalonians 5:13), (excerpt fromEncouragement for Today,Proverbs 31 Ministriesby Wendy Blight. You can also use prayer to remind you of the good habits you want to form during your recovery instead of focusing on what youre struggling with or how much you miss smoking. Forever will a man be the head of the Family, that is the way God has designed it to be and it remains that way. Pray that he is able to balance work and family and that his career doesnt become a tool for the enemy to use against your marriage. For more: 19 Powerful Prayers For Pregnant Mothers. Father in Heaven, I pray that you will have an encounter with my son today. Plans to prosper and not to harm, to give us hope and a future. May Your Word guide my husband as the leader of our home. . In the same vein, I pray for every boy out on the street whose life has been disrupted by smoking, I pray that you will help them out of that condition in the name of Jesus. . May the love we have for each other be an example to the world of how You love them and gave Your life for them. 3 3) Prayer for the Other Woman to Go Away Now. Lord Jesus, I pray that you will touch the heart of my husband and you will cause him to change his decision on smoking. As powerful as prayer can be, you have to acknowledge that you are fighting a very difficult addiction. thank you all! your prayers helped me quit smoking I escape from every snare of the Fowler, and I arise to be who God has called me to be in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. And what is the essence of living if a man can not fulfill the purpose of his existence? Our relationship feels broken like an old fashioned phonograph needle stuck on the same groove. God bless you. Pray for your husband to remain strong and faithful when times are difficult and all hope seems lost. 2 - Your immune response to colds will increase; 3 - You will be more productive in every task you have, whether we speak about housework or your job; 4 - You will be a good example to your children; 5 - The morning cough will disappear; 6 - Your blood pressure will be lowered; 7 - You will have more energy. Lord I ask for your grace to stop smoking ease help me Lord in Jesus name, Lord please take away from me permanently, the urge to smoke, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Lord I ask that you help me stand strong by your grace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Father please deliver me from every spirit behind smoking in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree total separation from every bad association I have joined in time past in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Lord please help me to remain in your fear all day long, that I may continuously do your will in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I frustrate every plan of the enemy to make me useless in life and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. the strength to quit and to You be all praise in Jesus name. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. For instance, it can cause you to lose your sense of taste and smell. -Dear Lord Jehovah, I claim to receive freedom . God, the most powerful tool You have given us to improve our marriages is prayer. Help me bring my husband before You daily. I decree by the mercy of the most high that smoking will not let your husband miss the purpose of God for his life in the name of Jesus. Will you renew his spirit with your own? Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the list therefore. Hail Mary . Cathy started smoking cigarettes years ago for her smoker husband named Paul. You would help me to give up smoking. . This practice also helps you get in touch with your feelings and emotions, which can be very helpful when you are trying to break free from the clutches of addiction. Most importantly, pray for your husband when you know he is facing struggles. 2. 3. Brother Peter, who is ninety-eight years old, gave me a prayer for the intercession of Padre Pio and after having the prayer for a number of months, I finally started to say the novena to Padre Pio. My husband Hasn't been drinking and smoking for the past three years and is currently drinking and smoking. There are many factors involved, from genetics to peer pressure and environmental triggers. I decree that Christ has given me dominion over all things, therefore I overcome this habit of smoking in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Because I am a child of God, a joint heir with Christ, I begin to exercise my authority over every habit of smoking in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree that I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me, therefore I overcome you spirit of smoking in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree that I am a better person, my first love is not smoking, Christ is the center of my life and all that concerns me must align to the will of Christ in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree that smoking shall not deprive me of my focus in life, I shall triumph daily over the urge to smoke in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I receive wisdom to avoid places and people that can lure me back into smoking, I shall stand strong till the end in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, No evil habit shall take the place of Christ in my heart in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I reject every demonic projection to make me go back to smoking in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.